want to get rid of my 220 lbs... :)

Hay there I'm Saif ... struggling with the weight loss... kept on loosing the track but now I'm determined... lil motivation would be of great help... :):)


  • BenniBlanc0
    BenniBlanc0 Posts: 1,117 Member
    esskay247 wrote: »
    Hay there I'm Saif ... struggling with the weight loss... kept on loosing the track but now I'm determined... lil motivation would be of great help... :):)

    Bro, I got got your back for motivation
  • esskay247
    esskay247 Posts: 10
    Thanks :)
  • revival15
    revival15 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey Saif, feel free to add me....I'm pretty active on here and log everyday. Can never have too many friends for support on here :)
  • VinothrajJ
    VinothrajJ Posts: 3 Member
    Come on mate... Lets work together...
  • WayneBradt
    WayneBradt Posts: 69 Member
    forget the number 220. make daily goals, like I'm going to log everything I eat today. Focus on weekly goals, a few pounds a week. Small, frequent and attainable. Long term goals are ok, but don't over value them or they will own you.
  • esskay247
    esskay247 Posts: 10
    Thanks @‌WayneBradt
    The problem I faced a lot is that I couldn't carry on with what I think I would do... hectic job and no exercise led me to kind of obesity n now here I am... its not easy to forget the numbers coz I gained 100 lbs in a year... and that's damn speedy weight gain... I will struggle hard for it if I have too... :)
  • DEGiltz
    DEGiltz Posts: 297 Member
    I can tell you're struggling ... It's a big challenge for all of us. Set some smaller goals that give you the opportunity to celebrate success and find ways to reward yourself that don't involve food .... I like to buy new workout gear for myself. Please feel free to add me ... I'd like to cheer you along on your journey!
  • esskay247
    esskay247 Posts: 10
    Thanks DEGiltz .
    Yup it sure is a challenge and I'm going to try hard this time. I'll definitely celebrate if I'm able to loose even a pound for starters. :)
    Thanks for the comment. :)
  • mikeyninja
    mikeyninja Posts: 18 Member
    Best of luck! Keep up your food diary and a mix of cardio and weight training, you should meet your goals no problem.
  • kimh1975
    kimh1975 Posts: 7
    You will get there. Remember, a set back is not defeat. Just get back on track. I agree with everyone about setting smaller goals. They are more attainable and ultimately add to your bigger goal. You can do it! I would love to be your friend! :)
  • tudor8
    tudor8 Posts: 6 Member
    You got this. One day at a time. You only need to improve one percent per day and you'll be amazed at your progress. Try to work on increasing strength while doing this so you can maintain muscle mass. Feel free to add me for accountability.
    esskay247 wrote: »
    Thanks @‌WayneBradt
    The problem I faced a lot is that I couldn't carry on with what I think I would do... hectic job and no exercise led me to kind of obesity n now here I am... its not easy to forget the numbers coz I gained 100 lbs in a year... and that's damn speedy weight gain... I will struggle hard for it if I have too... :)

  • ivetastic
    ivetastic Posts: 255 Member
    esskay247 wrote: »
    Hay there I'm Saif ... struggling with the weight loss... kept on loosing the track but now I'm determined... lil motivation would be of great help... :):)

    You are already off to a great start!!!
  • esskay247
    esskay247 Posts: 10
    Thank you all... this is what I really need :)
    I'm happy about being on MFP and talking to you guys ... cheers
  • jwsfzr600
    jwsfzr600 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi, Saif you can do it! Your not alone. I am going to add 20 minutes to my workout today. Can you put in a extra few minutes today?
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    Hey, I understand the struggle but for me its only 100 lbs. Not as much as you , but know there are others just like you with a huge weight loss goal. c: My goals weekly are to lose 2 lbs and by the month to lose at least 8 lbs so that by the end of the year I've lost nearly 100 lbs. So feel free to add me and remember to stay at a caloric deficet! If all you can do is walk, then walk for an hour everyday. Do whatever you can to lose that weight. :DD That's how I started. c: