Gaining weight - worried about my metabolism being slow, help/support?

Hey everybody,

So I'm a bit underweight, due to medical issues, and I have to gain just under a stone. I have recently started to exercise to get fit, and increase my self esteem and body image. This is all being monitored by health professionals - no need to worry there.
Over the past few years my metabolism has slowed down (I think) due to bad eating habits (eating too little) and other issues. I am supposed to be following a 3000cal/day mealplan but I haven't been able to stick to it as I should. I really want to get back on track, but there is this huge fear in me that my metabolism won't speed up and I'll gain it all too fast and not as lean muscle as I intend.

I do remember years ago when I had to start gaining weight (I have been underweight for a long time), I was taking in about 3000/day and eventually stopped gaining - apparently because my metabolism just sped up.

I'm wondering has this ever happened to anybody else, and is it likely that it will speed up again if I start taking in the 3000/day like I am supposed to be? I hope that it will speed back up, so I have the energy to enjoy my workouts and get the benefits and get healthier. Obviously, this time when/if the weight gain plateaus I will increase my intake, no problem. I hadn't done this in the past. Now it's just fear!

Has anybody any thoughts, advice or support here? I really would love to get back on track, and help my metabolism work to it's optimum ability.



  • gio14
    gio14 Posts: 57 Member
    What was the 3000cal meal plan based on. did your doctor recommended this? Do you know what your maintenance level calories are at the moment?
  • Bellchick91
    Bellchick91 Posts: 148 Member

    At the moment, I assume my maintanance levels are about 1900/day. I gain about .5kg about every three weeks, give or take. That's an average - some weeks its up, some weeks its down but very slow weight gain on about 2200/day.

    This regime was planned with a doctor and a therapist but more-so my doctor, and my father, who looks after most of this at home.

    Im supposed to be taking in 3000/day I just can't due to the fears I assume you all gathered were due to an ED. I am doing so much better now (hence why I have been even given permission to join the gym and start getting fit and toned) but I wish I could just give my metabolism the boost that it needs - but I don't know will it speed up like it has previously, you know?

    The 3000/day was based on 3 meals a day, with 3 Fortisips and a snack and dessert. I struggle most with lunch and breakfast (mainly because nobody is around during this time, but dinner I have never been able to avoid, hence why this meal is usually no problem). I know it wreaks havok on my body, and I really want to do better. I just feel stuck.

    I love healthy eating as well - it's a shame. But I really feel that I can do it. My doctor has not been helpful in the last year or so, and I talk to my therapist about this all of the time but she has no knowledge of nutrition so I can't trust her judgement on this issue. Does anybody here have any insight/input?

    Thanks for replying, I really appreciate it. I did a bit better again today. I had a smoothie at lunch but it wasn't enough so I had some nuts later on, then a kiwi at about 4. It's no where near I need to be, but It IS better.

    I was up today, too. I up 1.1kg this week, which was the most i've gained in one week in a good while - but I have a feeling some of it is water weight due to woman things!
  • alighterday

    I love healthy eating as well - it's a shame. But I really feel that I can do it. My doctor has not been helpful in the last year or so, and I talk to my therapist about this all of the time but she has no knowledge of nutrition so I can't trust her judgement on this issue. Does anybody here have any insight/input?

    Since I'm arthritic in the knees and bottom of feet, I can't really burn a lot of calories any more. So I am gaining because my metabolism is almost "gone" because of age, even though I eat what I use to eat. My doctors and nutritionists NEVER knew crap. I have to work it out for myself, all they know are prescriptions and diets. Good luck to you, you will work it out.
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    I won't say anything about your calorie intake. Especially since you have a history of ED's.
    I just don't know enough to give you anything usable.

    But have you tried pre-planning your meals? Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and snacks. Maybe even have someone help you have it ready so you don't have to over think it when it's time to eat. That way you know what amount you'll be eating and you can have healthy well rounded meals.
  • Bellchick91
    Bellchick91 Posts: 148 Member
    Hey, Yeah I do that already - thanks though!

    I dont think much more should be said about the ED if possible, this forum isn't really the place for it. I was just wondering if anybody had any advice about boosting metabolism by eating more? BTW Im very grateful for the ideas already given! :)
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    You can't really control your metabolic rate to the degree that it seems like you want to. All you can do is keep giving your body the raw materials (the food) it needs and trust that it will know how to repair itself. If your metabolic rate has slowed from caloric restriction, and it probably has, the worst thing you can do is continue to restrict. It will adapt to your increased intake, but you need to be patient and consistent, and let the process work. I know that's a frustrating (and not very specific) answer, but you can do it! Good luck :smile:
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Nobody here knows what has happened or what will happen with regards to your metabolism.

    Quite simply, trust your doctor and the process. As long as you are under medical supervision, do what your doctor says. Question him/her about things, if you need to, but follow his/her advice and try not to worry about it.
  • Bellchick91
    Bellchick91 Posts: 148 Member
    Hey everybody. Thanks for all of your support! I only saw these replies now! I have been doing better I think...I feel that I'm doing better anyway.

    I decided I'd rather get fit, toned and healthy rather than tear my body to shreds by trying to exercise with too little food. No fuel, no power.

    You all rock. Keep smiling! :)