Injured Knee (How should I eat?)

So if I rest up from my knee injury how should I eat.. Should I go to maintenance calories or eat the same? What should I do?? I am a hardgainer and was trying to put on lean muscle mass eating at a surplus everyday including my normal rest days, but now I might not ba able to workout for a while should I lower my macros or keep them the same??
Current Macros 2767 calories, 346carb, 62fat, and 207pro


  • gio14
    gio14 Posts: 57 Member
    You seem pretty lean, a slight surplus shouldn't do much damage in terms of added fat for ya. Depends how long you'll be out for, but i would stick with a modest surplus.
  • megablackk1d
    megablackk1d Posts: 67 Member
    should I lower my carbs due to longer extended inactivity