Any Type 1 Diabetics Here?

buckywaters Posts: 8
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Hey there! I'm 28-years-old, and have been a Type 1 Diabetic for 17 years! I'm looking to lose 46 pounds. Anyone out there with me? :)


  • jon_dub
    jon_dub Posts: 166
    I am type 1 only been it for a couple of years now. I am looking to a lose too
  • type 1 for 5 years now. have 16 more pounds to go!
  • 27 lbs lost!?!? Nice job! :)

    Losing weight has always been so frustrating for me... Nothing like waking up with low blood sugar in the middle of the night and downing 200 calories worth of orange juice, only to realize that that was probably exactly what you burned on the treadmill that morning! It's a slow process, but I'm determined to make it work this time!

    Have you been using a particular diet program? Or have you guys been losing weight just by counting calories with MFP?
  • JMM_623_
    JMM_623_ Posts: 68 Member
    28 yo, Type 1 for 23 years, insulin pump for 3 years. I want/need to lose about 25-30lbs, 12lbs down! I'm actually awake @ 4a "downing OJ" bc of a low sugar level lol! I follow my body, if I'm low & have to be it! I log everything I eat, even what's required to bring up my sugar level. It helps with staying within calorie goal & helps me believe my workout was not pointless. My food diet is what I'd normaly eat but in smaller portions. (minus the fast food, desserts, etc. - as best as a person struggling with a lifestyle change can)

    Exercise is my most difficult thing right now. I bottom out easily & it sucks mid-workout. Oh & yo-yo sugar levels trying to stay high enough to work out & ending up low trying to correct it.

    This thing is DIFFICULT, but there are too many diabetics at a healthy weight, so I know weightloss is an option!

    Friend me if you'd like :)
  • Ha! That's so funny. :) I know exactly what you mean about there being too many skinny people with type 1, so I know it can be done, too. 12 lbs is so great!
  • 27 lbs lost!?!? Nice job! :)

    Losing weight has always been so frustrating for me... Nothing like waking up with low blood sugar in the middle of the night and downing 200 calories worth of orange juice, only to realize that that was probably exactly what you burned on the treadmill that morning! It's a slow process, but I'm determined to make it work this time!

    Have you been using a particular diet program? Or have you guys been losing weight just by counting calories with MFP?

    Thanks! Like jmm623 said, i add foods i consume trying to reverse a low into my calorie count so a workout is not a loss. The thing I try to remember too is that a good workout may lower my insulin needs for 12-24 hours. I've had to play with it and figure out what works for me. Right now i've got a good balance in that when i know i'm about to work out, the meal before is a little higher carb and i take a little less insulin. then i keep light, healthy snacks on hand that i can munch on before a workout and so far works for me.

    when i started on here, i knew i needed to make drastic meal changes to what i was eating as i knew i was slowing killing myself. i started by cutting out all fast food, then cutting down on all processed food, then switched to eating organic and no processed food. I can tell a huge difference, not just in weight but in how my body feels. it feels great! it heals so much faster and i have more energy. i even quit drinking coffee in Nov. last year!

    As to a particular diet, i'm pretty much following what they recommend for people with diabetes any ways, lower carbs, high veggie/fruits intake and lots of good protein, nuts, etc. That's pretty much it, i've lost the weight with counting calories, eating well and lots of high powered walks!!!

    Good luck to you with your journey!!!!
  • ellehcar83
    ellehcar83 Posts: 13
    How has it been going so far? I see you posted this a couple of months ago, but I just joined and wanted to find some other type 1 diabetics going through this with me. I've been type 1 since I was 18 months old and it's always a struggle, but I know that it can be controlled and weight can be lost. I am trying to lose 35-45 lbs. Good luck on your goals!
  • zeus277
    zeus277 Posts: 17 Member
    I am also a type 1 diabetic new to this site. I've been sticking to if for 10 days now and doing great! I have already noticed that my morning blood tests have had lower numbers (YAY)! Feel free to add me as a friend...I can use all the support and motivation I can get!
  • putnam80
    putnam80 Posts: 69 Member
    I have been meaning to get in shape for years now. Growing up with Type 1, my parents did a great job at kicking me in the *kitten* and keeping me active. Well college came along and then more independence and i started down a path that led to unhealthiness. Well after talking about losing weight for years, and my Dr finally saying i should exercise regularly and lose some weight. I also have a friend who recommended RunKeeper and heard about MFP on the radio. I have been hooked. I actually have goals I can see. I would like to get down to about 198 eventually. I started out about 255 which is still 10 less than my heaviest. I have a strong 6'2" frame but carry to much around my waist and my chin. I don't look to gain muscle as I am as strong as an ox already.

    Type 1 for 25 years. I will be 31 in July. I have had a pump since 2000. The pump helped me to add 20 lbs right away.

    Correcting lows is a royal pain in the *kitten*. I made some changes to my basal rate and am having better luck. I am amazed that will all my exercise and work, I have had to do little bolus now on many snacks and lunch.

    I added another "meal" column just for Low BS corrections. It will help me correct those. good luck

    friend me if you like
  • Seiphr
    Seiphr Posts: 1
    Hey all,

    Just discovered this site. I've been using it to track my carbs. I'm a type 1 since 2009 and trying to put on a few pounds to get up into the 'safe' bmi region.

    I noticed a couple of you are on pumps. I'm still on MDIs, but have been thinking about swapping to a pump some time hopefully in the next few months, but i'm not 100% sure about it. My levels seem to vary a lot atm from like 4 to 15 mmol/l.

    What's your experience of pumps been?

  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    old topic, but i'll reply anyway.

    i'm 21, type 1 for about 9 years... been basically the same weight since 6th/7th grade when i was diagnosed (just 10 pounds heavier).

    i need to lose at least 40lbs to be in a healthy BMI.
  • odie02
    odie02 Posts: 65 Member
    an old post, I see, but I am trying to find some others with Type I also. I have such a hard time with it. No insurance makes it hard to get test strips, I forget to take my insulin too often, lots of highs and lows... Such a hard time losing weight while on insulin!! Most of the "fitness friends" I have on here and in "real" life don't understand what I go through.
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