What Time Do You Workout?

I used to be a morning person. Now that I'm a single parent, things are changing. I find it easier to get things done after the children have gone to bed in the evening. I used to exercise at 4:30 am. Now, getting to bed at 2-3 am, I have no plans to be lucid anywhere near 4. I, therefore, workout late at night now. I'm finding that I now have the problem of being wide awake for an hour or two after my workout. I also get hungry, and you know I don't need to be eating at 1 am!

What have you found that works best for you?


  • blessedmamma
    I used to be a morning person. Now that I'm a single parent, things are changing. I find it easier to get things done after the children have gone to bed in the evening. I used to exercise at 4:30 am. Now, getting to bed at 2-3 am, I have no plans to be lucid anywhere near 4. I, therefore, workout late at night now. I'm finding that I now have the problem of being wide awake for an hour or two after my workout. I also get hungry, and you know I don't need to be eating at 1 am!

    What have you found that works best for you?
  • mimzy123
    i also used to end up working out right before bed. im still in highschool, so i dont have as much of a time crunch as you, but when i worked out right before bed, i would drink a warm tea or something to help me get to sleep. or, listen to soothing music while i stretch afterwards. or, i would do small sets of a few reps throughout the day.
  • lifesaver
    lifesaver Posts: 132
    any time I have! I have class until 12 Monday, Wednesday and Friday so I usually find time anywhere form 12.30 to 4 on those days. Tuesdays and Thursdays are harder because I get off at 11.30, but have to go back at 3.30 until 7.30. I exercised just half an hour ago tonight (11:30) because I was really preoccupied with homework for the rest of the night :grumble:
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    I'm the morning workout person still but when I travel overseas I hit the exercise room at the hotel where I'm staying to get myself into the local time zone easier. These workouts are usually off the time schedule for meals so to curb my hunger pangs I eat a piece of fruit, usually an apple. To make myself feel like I'm eating more than I am I core the apple and slice it into pieces and then make myself take my time eating it. Doing this after your late work out may help to curb your hunger cravings along with that warm cup of tea.

    Good Luck:wink:
  • rockymtnguy
    6 times a weeks early morning. I'm off to the club for elliptical training for 1/2 hr, stationary bike for 13, and today is my max out on weight lifting, I'm a little short of sleep as it was a great band nite last nite this early morning. And I have some awesome reasons not to go, but, there is a time and place for everything, and the time is now to have an awesome workout - hope everyone has a great workout today !! Have a wonderful weekend everybody..:bigsmile:
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    I shoot for 7 times a week and I do it right after I get the boys on the bus...by then I had my cup of coffee and breakfast....got to get the metabolism started.
  • rebasmart
    I do it first thing in the morning. I get up and change clothes, wash my face and brush my teeth and that is it before I am on my treadclimber. I am not a morning person so it was hard at first and still is every once in a while but it really wakes me up, and I like that. I have to get up at 5. I have to leave for work around 6:40 so I have fit a lot in every morning so to make sure I don't just mess around I walk around with an egg timer and set it for each thing (so I am not in the shower to long, etc.). Might sound silly but it works well for me.
  • Najah5150
    Najah5150 Posts: 170
    Well, I get up at 2:45am to go workout with my cousin for 3:30am four days a week. The other three days, I workout anywhere from 6am-12pm.
  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    I actually tend to exercise at night - generally after 7pm. Thinking about it, I find that having a good cool down really relaxes me and I don't have a problem falling asleep when I'm ready. And, for me, I'm not one of those 'don't eat after a certain time' people. If I have calories left & I'm hungry, I'll eat. Often, if I'm really hungry at night I'll have a bowl of cereal. I figure with all of the added vitamins and such and the added milk it is as healthy as anything. And, it usually hits the spot.

    Best wishes in making your workouts work for you!
  • alwaysenl
    alwaysenl Posts: 197 Member
    I workout in the evening too- usually around 7pm but sometimes as late as 10pm like lastnight. It's really the only time I can with two boys age 2 and 4! It's work, come home make dinner, clean up, workout, then it's relax time :)
  • blessedmamma
    I noticed that when I worked out in the mornings, I'd crash around 9 - In Class - and I sat in the front - until I learned! When I've made myself work-out early recently, I was really hyped when I got the children up and off to school, but I still want to crash around 9. Has anyone experienced this! Would diet have something to do with it?

    Thanks for all your responses!
  • newstart
    I am lucky as I am now at a place in my life where I could be a stay at home mom, except there is no kids to stay at home with as they are both teenagers in highschool so I took a job part-time from 7am-12noon . They wanted me full time but I realised that in order to have a healthier lifestyle , being the busy most nights chauffering teens around to sport activities, I had to make this a priority so I chose less hours and go to the gym in the afternnon. It`s perfect because I can fall asleep earlier and wake up refreshed...
  • GodzGirl
    For me, mornings work best, :bigsmile:

    I've though about walking after dinner, but after cleaning, cooking and recleaning the kitchen all I want to do is relax. :embarassed:
  • RunningRatty
    As soon as I get home from work around 5.30.

    My new best friend is my slow cooker. I put it on in the morning, and don't have to cook in the evening, so I can exercise instead right before I eat!
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    I am fortunate to have a gym at my workplace (a university) so I work out during my lunch hour (which, luckily, I can turn into 1.5 hours or even two, as long as I make up the time). I try to do that five days a week, alternating weight training, running, indoor cycling, and swimming. The pool is open during weird hours so sometimes I stay later and go at 6:30 pm when it's open. On weekends, I usually do a long run on Saturday outside near my home and on Sunday I will sometimes go back to the gym and swim and lift weights.
    Of course, I don't have kids yet. Someday I will not have all this time to spend on working out and will have to condense the schedule. Or maybe I'll drag the kid along in a baby jogger...