Too slow!?

TheCeleste Posts: 14 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
A little frustrated-- MFP is saying my goal is 1200 calories a day and not to do less than that because I will go into starvation mode. I generally hit around 1150 to 1250 calories each day easily (and deliciously). However, my projected weight loss is less than a pound a week! Can that be right? Why so slow? I'm worried the intentionally slow pace will kill my motivation.

How do I get around this? Do I exercise more (and then have to eat more, which I don't want to do)? Exercising more than 15 minutes at a time is a little bit of a problem for me because I have a back problem (my L5 is cracked)-- I can do a little bit at a time, but nothing strenuous. Also, again, I really don't want to eat more than 1300 calories a day.

I'm 5'2", pretty sedentary, other than house work and dancing around while cooking, because of the back and work schedule. I don't need as many calories as someone who's more active and tall... right?


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    MFP won't let you eat fewer than 1200 calories no matter what your desired weight loss is. Since you're shorter it may be safe for you to get by with fewer calories, but you should talk to a doctor or nutritionist about that.
  • kelly77301
    kelly77301 Posts: 1
    i always go over on my protein but way low on everything else... and i dont know how to change it...
    1lb a wk is the "healthy" way to loose weight.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race!
    If you do it too fast, it can be unhealthy and you could gain it back. This is more about changing your lifestyle rather than a diet.
    I set my goals for 1.5 lbs a week, but 1 lb a week is recommended.
    Good luck!
  • Melbel85
    Melbel85 Posts: 240 Member
    Could the problem be not how much you are eating but what your eating? I'm pretty new at this whole eating healthy thing so I am definitely no pro!
  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    I highly recommend you not weigh yourself. If you're doing well on the list, do it for a month or two and then weigh yourself. Weight "watching" is extremely frustrating. Measuring once in a while is much better.
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    It's set at that because you probably don't have that much to lose. Try taking 15 minute walks 3 times a day - that way your are getting in 45 minutes just broken up. Your heart rate won't get up as high as if you did it for 45 minutes straight BUT it's more than you are doing now and every little bit helps. I would also try to stick within the calorie range you are already doing. I'm 5'2" and have 18 lbs to lose. 1200/day puts me at .9lb loss/week which isn't that great but it's better than nothing! You can also choose to eat few carbs in your meals which usually helps your blood sugar. Good luck!
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    MFP won't let you eat fewer than 1200 calories no matter what your desired weight loss is. Since you're shorter it may be safe for you to get by with fewer calories, but you should talk to a doctor or nutritionist about that.

    Agree. The 1200 calorie mark is what is recommended to get all the nutrition you need. You may be able to lose more adding more exercise and not eating those calories back, but I wouldn't do so without talking to a doctor. To lose 2 pounds per week on a 1200 calorie diet per the numbers, your BMR has to be around 2,200. You probably weigh too little for that to be your BMR, hence why your projected weight loss is under 2 pounds.
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    Mine is at 1200 a day to and I always go under what I am supposed to eat.... yet ny sugar intake is super high even though all i eat in sugar is fruit and veggies! Its a little silly. I have tried to eat more then that but then I feel gross (I am 5'3 btw) I dont want to encourage you to eat less or anything but I would suggest eating what amount you feel satisfied with. I had to force myself to eat in the morning or i usually dont have anything until 1pm-2pm...

    I was stuck at the same weight for 5 weeks without losing an ounce!!! I wanted to bad just to eat but they say that slowly losing the weight is best because then it will stay gone more likely! Keep your chin up it will happen :))))
  • VampKisses
    VampKisses Posts: 5
    Exercise can be sitting in a chair, walking around your house, Cardio probally won't be your main focus, but with only a 13 pound goal, your exercise doesn't have to be intense.

    MFP set the lowest possible calorie limit at 1200, eating less will ruin your metabolism, but don't think down upon your limited (less then a pd) wait loss, at .75 pds a wk, you will hit your mark around four months, this is nothing, four months is one season, half a pregnancy, one semester, etc! Many people on this site are looking at 8-12 months worth of weight loss!!!

    Also, I have heard many people say a "cheat" day in which you spike your cals one day a wk helps them from stalling when they are close to their goal weight.

    I wish you luck!
  • momandboys4
    momandboys4 Posts: 21
    I hear ya...... I have been doing this almost 4 weeks and have only lost 3 lbs. VERY depressing.... I have not gone over my calories at all.... Exercise 5 days a week and have stuck to this 100%
    I thought I would be losing more weight than this...... Most people look like they lose 2 lbs + a week :-(
    I do have severe thyroid issues though..... But i am sticking w/ this..... Keep it up and they all claim we will start to see it coming off..... Hang in there......
  • steffiluwho
    steffiluwho Posts: 20 Member
    make sure you are drinking water, water, water least 8 glasses a day, but you should drink half your body weight in ounces daily or more....dont use sugar alternatives, they mess up your liver, and have an impact on your metabolism in a negative way...i take a chromium supplement to boost metabolism, it helped me and it curbs the sweet wishes
  • TheCeleste
    TheCeleste Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you, everyone! What great advice and encouragement. I'm glad I posted.

    I will keep at this and try to be more patient. I will drink more water (in fact I immediately got up to get a glass before posting this) and I love the idea of 15 minute batches throughout the day- something easy that I can handle, but still gets me moving more than I would otherwise.
  • Bigtunatina
    Bigtunatina Posts: 44
    I am at 1200 cals myself. I work out about 3-4 times a week but only burn about 200-300 when I work out so I am not doing anything crazy. I have been losing SO MUCH SLOWER than normal. Since last month I am down 4lbs.

    When I did weight watchers a year ago, I was losing 3 lbs a week - so this is definitely slow for me.

    But I measure and I am less bothered by how slow I am losing it because my body just looks completely different.

    Try other ways of measuring your loss for example seeing how your clothes fit!

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