Lifestyle change

Hello everyone I'm new to this and trying to change my lifestyle I live in Nova Scotia canada and love to do anything outside bike/hike/surf/ski mostly


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Cool! Welcome to MFP

    What are your goals?
  • adampjkaiser
    Mostly to just eat better and live a happier healthier life but I would really like to loose weight
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    lose weight for looser clothes :wink:

    if your aim is to lose weight then you need to start calorie counting and logging a defecit - but you don't need to cut anything you love out. Try to hit your protein and fats macros and don't try to go too fast

    good luck
  • adampjkaiser
    Ok thanks ... I lost a lot of weight before and I lost it fast and gained it all back this winter this time I'm going to eat right and not kill myself to loose it and keep it off this time
  • dragonez83
    What has work for me.. and I had to get used to it.... is preparing my meals on sunday... I look up healthy recipes and just buy what I need sunday morning... I usually make 3 different meals enough for just that one week.. for breakfast I make quinoa vegetables breakfast muffins( just put them in the microwave for 30 seconds and that's it)... I put my lunch and dinner meals in portion containers and I stick to that... but if I want a cookie or a piece of chocolate I will have A cooke and a small piece of dark chocolate. I try to keep fruit for my sweet tooth.... I also recommend smoothies... the healthy ones... good luck and I hope this helps...
  • adampjkaiser
    That's something I need to do is get a nutri bullet or something like that cause it's hard with my line of work I'm a fisherman so 9 months out of the year I'm out to sea and out there you eat what they provide for you but fortunately enough now I work on a boat that does buy a lot of fruit and vegetables so I try to stay away from the meats and make some smoothies
  • karibeargirl
    karibeargirl Posts: 249 Member
    Love your caption.. "Lifestyle change"...
  • adampjkaiser
    Thanks haha I've lived an unhealthy life style for too long and I'm not happy with it so I figured no better time then now to change that