3 days in and feeling less motivated already...

Hi I just joined, and I'm trying to lose 5 pounds for my wedding which is in September but I need to lose the weight by June for my dress fitting. This is feeling awfully overwhelming all of a sudden and especially with TOM coming up real soon. I just wanted to say hello and maybe make some friends who can support and give advice :)
Thanks :)


  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    stay focused and positive! think how great you will look in your dress!
  • Bigtunatina
    Bigtunatina Posts: 44
    What are you doing to lose? You'd be surprised how easy the 5 lbs will fall off with dedication!

    My friend wanted to lose 5 lbs before a wedding she has in a week.

    This is her 2nd week in and I think she is already down 3.

    You just got to really want it and it will be easy. good luck
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    Probably not enough protein. Not getting enough protein can cause a feeling of dread.
  • maryross1
    maryross1 Posts: 7
    unrealted advise, don't make that face for your wedding photos! haha
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Don't focus on the weight, it's just five pounds. Exercise is more important for you right now. Do some cardio and definitely do strength training. You probably need to gain muscle tone more than you need to lose weight.
  • Djbass728
    Djbass728 Posts: 71 Member
    First of all, TOM is going to make you want to eat differently and you will gain water weight, I don't even weigh myself the three days before or until after 4 days into it!!!! Secondly, this is a GREAT forum to learn how you eat and we can see just how much crap we are putting into our bodies. It's not just about dieting (which was my goal) but about eating healthier (which is why I am sticking with it)....I now crave healthy foods and have changed my eating habits dramatically. I have only been on this site for about 6 weeks and the changes amaze me!!!!! So PLEASE stick with it and let this amazing community support you. If you don't have any friends yet - find them. I'd live to be a friend if you are looking for more......just don't give up!!!!!!!!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I am losing weight for a wedding too (but not mine, haha). Feel free to add me if you'd like. Oh, I love the color of your hair!!!!
  • c3lxxx
    c3lxxx Posts: 25
    Im feeling the same thing. All my life weight has never been an issue. I am now 23 and I'm 10lbs heavier then I was a month ago!!! Need some extra encouraging words
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    Hey there! Don't get discouraged! I am aiming to loose atleast another 4lbs by 26th June when I go on holiday...the last bit is the hardest and I've only managed to shift 2.2lbs in almost 4 weeks...it's going too slow for me, but I am on here everyday and read stories of people who are managing it and stories of people who are going slow (like me) and I think everyone is different but it WILL work, just give it time :) TOM made me put on 1.5lbs for the week I was on...then it came straight back off so expect a gain for that week, but keep working, keep up on water - really important (i'm on 11 glasses today!) and also lots and lots of FRESH food :) I found that zig zagging your diet helps too - changing the amount of calories each day...one day higher, next lower, next at usual level...etc, stops your body getting used to level of calories :)

    Feel free to add me, it would be good to have a friend on here with a target simular to mine :)
  • angelaplaxton
    On day 4 when i joined i posted to and i wanted to quit. but i put a post up instead!! And so have you :wink:
    I quit breads and wheat, noodles, ect.... in the first week. no cheese dairy or yogurts. I lost 5lbs in a week from that!
    The cravings, my moods, my nerves.. man i was a mess and adifficult person to be around!! I tell ya!
    I am considering plain yogurt though, cause do really like yogurt.
    Good Luck, and can't wait to see your dress fitting pics!!!
    You Can Do It,
    easy does it!
    and Tomorrows a new day!!
  • cnewyou
    cnewyou Posts: 40
    You joined this site and you've reached out for help/support, so you're on your way. Make sure to log everything you eat. You'll see where you need to make changes. You can do this. See how many people want you to succeed? Just don't give up.
  • jbhappywife
    jbhappywife Posts: 11
    Thanks everyone :)
    I am doing lots of cardio and ab workouts. Also trying to eat less, I'm counting calories on here and also counting weight watcher points lol which might be why im feeling overly stressed. And i just feel nothnig happening around my tummy area. But I am determined! My fiance and I have goals of what we want to look like for each other on our wedding night, since we haven't seen each others bodies unclothed before. I'm going for the 'victorias secret model' look lol