New MFP friends and Fitbit trackers

My name is Carol, stay at home mother, 44yrs old with about 47 lbs to lose. I would love to have and also be a motivational friend getting back into the best shape of our lives. I walk most mornings and want to get back into yoga and weight lifting. My food weaknesses are anything salty and wine. I think I am finally tired of the losing the same 5 lbs over and over again and ready to really do this and would love to meet anyone where we can help each other get to the gym or stop some impulse food choice as I am on here throughout the day.

I just got a Fitbit zip (activity tracker) so anyone wanting to add me as a your Fitbit friend too my profile is


  • leanne2389
    Hi I too have just got a fitbit I've gone for the charge and I'd love to have some friends to challenge myself against I don't know how to add anyone yet though how do I do this
  • Carol_123
    Carol_123 Posts: 74 Member
    Haha... I just added you before seeing this as I saw your post first looking for fitbit users.