Diamonds in the Rough 7 Week Challenge: Round 2 [Week 2]



  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: My new favorite healthy food is fresh spinach. I love it sauteed with a little olive oil and sundried tomatoes...yummmmm.

    Wednesday QOTD: I try not to let the scale get me down. I am excited my clothes are bagging off of me. The fact that I have to wear a belt with my jeggings excites me!
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: I love to see the number on the scale come down. But sometimes it can be stubborn, and I get discouraged. Concentrating on NSV’s (non-scale victories) can help bring me out of my funk. What NSV are you proud of?

    When I began my lifestyle change four months ago I could barely jog one minute. Now I can jog 30+ minutes without stopping or feeling like I my heart is going to come out of my chest. And tonight I had a rather attractive (okay he was hot) guy flirt with me at the gym. It has been awhile since that has happened. :blushing:

    For me, my biggest NSV is going down almost 2 pants sizes. I was wearing a size 10, now I can fit 8's and some size 6's. I was soo psyched. I was getting a lot of flack from the ladies that I work with because they said that my pants were way too big. But I was scared to try on clothes. Well, I am so glad that I did!!!
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    I'M A RENEGADE. *swoops*

    I want to pick your brains, ladies, in the non-zombie way. This isn't the question of the day or anything, but I'm the curious type.

    How important is good music in your workout? Do you have to have the perfect playlist or are you able to jive with the radio? That's right, I said jive. Danny Zuko got nothing on me.

    I digress.

    Personally, if so much as one song puts me out of the mode, it's hard for me to not stare at the timer weeping silently for mercy from the machine. And no music at all leaves me staring in the mirror that mocks my efforts, wondering why my glasses just wont stay at the bridge of my nose!

    ...Anywho, your thoughts?

    Me, I have to have fast upbeat get up and dance music. I workout to a lot of hip hop and some pop music. I keep a workout playlist and rotate songs in and out so that the music isn't played out for me.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: I love to see the number on the scale come down. But sometimes it can be stubborn, and I get discouraged. Concentrating on NSV’s (non-scale victories) can help bring me out of my funk. What NSV are you proud of?

    I thought that my greatest NSV was last week when I jogged 2 miles at 5.4 mph, I've never been able to do that before. But when I went to write that, I remembered how great I felt over the weekend when my husband put his hand on my stomach (which is still covered in a layer of "fluff") and said, "Wow! You've got some muscles!"
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member

    Tuesday's QOTD----What is your "new" favorite healthy food?

    Spinach-My parents were never big veggie eaters, I guess due to being told that they had to eat their veggies too many times. I hadn't ever really tried spinach. I love it!:heart:
    I am eating 3 cups of raw spinach right now and I am just thinking about how it is going to benefit my body. It is so not good to me plain... Oh well!!! Have a great day!
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: I love to see the number on the scale come down. But sometimes it can be stubborn, and I get discouraged. Concentrating on NSV’s (non-scale victories) can help bring me out of my funk. What NSV are you proud of?

    I am in a size 20 again. I know for smaller folks thats a big number but I've been a size 24 for the last 5+ years or so I was really excited when I could fit back into my size 20:bigsmile:

    Thanks for this question because I always wondered what was a NSV.... I am an addict to the scale. I love to see if I lost a ounce during the day, so I am constantly stepping on that scale. My favorite NSV is being able to notice my stomach is decreasing and my arms are getting toned. I wish the scale will move but I will just keep doing what I suppose to do. Congrats on your success with getting into a size 20... Keep up the great work ladies. This is such a blessing to communicate with motivating people with the same interest. Have a great Thursday!!! BTW I am out of school so I will be talking more now..... :)
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: I love to see the number on the scale come down. But sometimes it can be stubborn, and I get discouraged. Concentrating on NSV’s (non-scale victories) can help bring me out of my funk. What NSV are you proud of?

    I already answered this one, but I have yet another one... I am currently wearing a skirt that I truly believed I would never fit. It was a hand-me-down that I planned to hand down one more time! Okay, it is a LITTLE snug... but it's on!
  • cburks08
    cburks08 Posts: 7
    Thursday QOTD: Since youve started healthy eating, what are some alternative recipies you now use instead of an unhealthy one? For example i love pasta so instead of having lasagna with meat i now make a veggi lasagna to cope with not having the real thing.
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member
    Thursday QOTD: Since youve started healthy eating, what are some alternative recipies you now use instead of an unhealthy one? For example i love pasta so instead of having lasagna with meat i now make a veggi lasagna to cope with not having the real thing.

    My main alternative to my recipes is instead of using beef as the meat I use turkey. It is funny because my partner doesn't even pick up ground meat anymore. He is already adjusting to my healthy choices as well.
  • Thursday QOTD: Since youve started healthy eating, what are some alternative recipies you now use instead of an unhealthy one? For example i love pasta so instead of having lasagna with meat i now make a veggi lasagna to cope with not having the real thing.

    Instead of pasta, I eat tofu noodles. They sound gross, but they are extremely good!
  • cburks08
    cburks08 Posts: 7
    Tuesday QOTD: hmm i dont really eat snacks anymore but i do i like trail mix now, i get the ones that have mixed (unsalted nuts) along with dried cranberries and raisins.

    Wednesday QOTD: i must say my nsv was when in one day i put on a form fitting outfit and even though i dont see the weight loss yet everyone else did so now im pushing to see more results :)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Thursday QOTD: Since youve started healthy eating, what are some alternative recipies you now use instead of an unhealthy one? .

    I love fetteccini alfredo!:love: Hungry Girl has an alternative recipe using Laughing Cow wedges. I make that but use steamed broccoli instead of noodles.
  • Thursday QOTD: Since youve started healthy eating, what are some alternative recipies you now use instead of an unhealthy one? For example i love pasta so instead of having lasagna with meat i now make a veggi lasagna to cope with not having the real thing.

    I love salad... someone told me that Iceberg Lettuce was not good for you so I now use spinach in everything I eat..:love:
    Also I can't live without hot sauce but it has a lot of salt so I use Salsa!!!!
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Thursday QOTD: Since youve started healthy eating, what are some alternative recipies you now use instead of an unhealthy one? For example i love pasta so instead of having lasagna with meat i now make a veggi lasagna to cope

    I make bakery healthier by replacing the oil with natural applesauce.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Thursday qotd: I have always enjoyed porridge (oatmeal) for breakfast but used to use honey, golden syrup or sugar to sweeten it. Since starting my diet I know add fruit purees and/or yogurt..... so so yummy! I still (at the moment) tend to eat the same dinners as before but am cutting down on the carbs and protein and increase the veg.
    I have replaced bread with tortilla wraps, seems to help with the tummy bloat.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Thursday QOTD: Since you've started healthy eating, what are some alternative recipes you now use instead of an unhealthy one?

    Ice cream! I love ice cream and am pretty much only happy if I can eat massive quantities of it, lol. Fortunately, Turkey Hill makes a light cookie dough ice cream that is DELICIOUS. And at 120 calories per serving I can have seconds without feeling like I totally ruined my day! YAY!
  • jwill10
    jwill10 Posts: 30
    Thursday QOTD: Since youve started healthy eating, what are some alternative recipies you now use instead of an unhealthy one? For example i love pasta so instead of having lasagna with meat i now make a veggi lasagna to cope with not having the real thing.

    I substitute all lettuce for spinach as well. And I also switch to mustard instead of mayo.
  • Thursday QOTD: Since youve started healthy eating, what are some alternative recipies you now use instead of an unhealthy one? For example i love pasta so instead of having lasagna with meat i now make a veggi lasagna to cope with not having the real thing.

    Carne Asada Tacos. I get the meat from the meat dept at my grocery store then BBQ it up! It's amazing, and since I'm making it myself I get less of the dried taste we get from Taco Shops. Some Pico, or homemade guacamole and it's better than most places I would go to with less calories.

    But anything I really want to eat, that is high calorie, I either divide into smaller portions, or I find a way to make it with less calories.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Thursday QOTD: I put more vegetables and less meat on the plate (or in a recipe). I tried to love almond milk - I really tried :) But I can't stand it :( So I just stick with my skim milk and fat free dairy products.
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    Since youve started healthy eating, what are some alternative recipies you now use instead of an unhealthy one

    When we order pizza we always used to have Pepsi now its just water and with crackers we've gone to multigrain than regular ones

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