Just restarted and need friends to help motivate!

I just recently restarted my challenge. I'm trying to lose about 100 lbs. I need people who understand my struggle!! It is so hard. Especially since my husband started to this with me and then backed out. :(


  • JessMoTX
    JessMoTX Posts: 74
    Friend request sent! I'm in the same boat as you!
  • kiomayoko
    kiomayoko Posts: 18 Member
    Sent a friend request :smile: Lets cheer each other one !
  • jtolman619
    jtolman619 Posts: 128 Member
    Sent you a friend request! Anyone else feel free to add me as well! :)
  • angiermesa
    angiermesa Posts: 2 Member
    I too need motivation. Lost 30 lbs for my wedding and now have slowly started to gain ot back.
  • Hi I'd love to be part of a motivational group but I'm new and not sure what I need to do
  • smz63001
    smz63001 Posts: 13 Member
    I am starting back up with eating healthy and exercise. I know the need for motivation and support! Request sent :)
  • 245112
    245112 Posts: 13
    :D:D:):D:D:D WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY..............I TOO AM NEW. I AM USING MY FIANCE`s computer, as mine had the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH......My Catherine. My goal is as your`s with a extra 25. Sorry to hear above your hubbi quitting, WELL YOU HAVE US HERE.................ONE THING I CAN SUGGEST IS DON`T COUNT ON THE HIGH NUMBER OF WHAT YOU NEED TO LOOSE, LOOK AT SMALL STEPS OF LOSS. YOU WILL SUCEED, AND WE ALL WILL BE CHEERING FOR YOU................ALWAYS REMEMBER ANY CHANGE, ANY LOSS, ANY POSITIVE LIFE STYLE IS THE GOAL...............IT IS EASIER TO WIN.....................JUST MY OPINION...................AGAIN, WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY, I will not say good luck , because just being here is a BIG WIN.......TAKE CARE].........Catherine.
  • scudsmom
    scudsmom Posts: 8 Member
    We are all in this together and we all need help staying on track. I started 6 weeks ago and have already lost 18 lbs. Still got at least 70 to go. The success stories I am seeing on this site remind me that I CAN DO THIS! Send a friend request and we will help each other. Jan
  • dme100
    dme100 Posts: 34 Member
    Its not easy but not impossible. I'll send request.