Question for you all! (Caloric Deficit?!)



  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Remember, you don't necessarily have to increase volume a lot to increase cals. You can increase cals in a healthy way. First, start planning - when you know you're going to work out, add cals in throughout the day, so you aren't left with a bunch in the evening. Adding just 25-50 cals more per meal/snack adds up. And eat frequently - 5-6 times a day - and try to make each meal/snack balanced with protein/fat/carbs in each.

    Also, increase your healthy fats. Use olive/canola oil in cooking or a protein shake. Eat nuts and nut butters. Avocados are excellent. All of these are very nutrient dense and can give you a good boost in cals and good fats.

    Try drinking some cals when necessary. It's often easier to drink something even when you aren't hungry. Chocolate milk, a good protein shake, a fruit smoothie or fruit juice.

    It usually only takes a week or two to adjust to a higher intake of healthy foods. :wink:

    That's a good idea - thanks so much! I don't like chocolate actually, but I have been drinking these Special K vanilla protein shakes which I love, however they are very high in sugar and protein - both of which I tend to go over in :/ - same with skim milk (I'm big on dairy unfortunately lol)

    The smoothies sound great though, I'm gonna look up some more healthy food ideas on here as well as online. Thanks!

    Yeah, a lot of the meal replacement shakes are very high in sugar. I wouldn't worry too much about protein (unless you have a kidney disorder), as MFP's default protein is pretty low. Going over on protein isn't a problem.

    You can also try making your own protein shakes - peanut butter, some oil, milk, an egg, honey, fruit, etc.
  • aljurow
    aljurow Posts: 4
    I think an important thing to note with BMR and those other types of estimations is just that - they are estimations. What I usually do is start out eating around 2000 calories and doing my usual workout routine. After a week or two, I adjust calories up or down based on what I am gaining and losing. Once you keep track of your calories for a few weeks, you will know what will maintain your body. Everyone has a different metabolic rate - take into account height, weight, endocrine function, etc.

    I am 6'1", about 210 lbs, fairly athletic with a decent muscle mass. I find that I will lose about 1-1.5 pounds a week when I eat around 2200 calories. This is also with 2-3 days of weight training and 2-3 days of cardio. If I end up working out less, I go down on calories and vice versa. But in general, that caloric average is my "magic number". Also, I tend to find a caloric "zig zag" can also help - with 2200 being the average per day - one day might be 2500, the following day 1700, and so forth. This way, on the days where I just can't seem to control hunger as well as others, there is a little more room for error on those days.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I find that I tend to get really close to going over on my sodium intake. For instance including all meals and snacks that I will eat today (I like to plan ahead) here's how I am looking:

    Calorie Goal : 1690
    Food: 1225
    Exercise: -152
    Net: 1073
    Total Fat: 21g left out of 61g
    Saturated: 7g left out of 19g
    Cholesterol: 168 mg left out of 300 mg
    Sodium: 208 mg left out of 2500
    Potassium: 2040 mg left out of 3500
    Total Carbs: 84 left out of 252
    Fiber: I am 6 over. I am allowed 19 g a day
    Sugar: 4 g left out of 34 g
    Protein: I am 1 over. I am allowed 68 g
    Vitamin A: 432%
    Vitamin C: 412%
    Calcium: 151%
    Iron: 151%

    I am 5'6 and 167 lbs

    So going by what was said I need to eat 617 calories more today? I cannot even imagine doing that!

    Ideally, yes. An occasional day isn't a big deal, but if you are consistently that far under goal, it will backfire eventually. The main thing is to make sure your NET is at least 1200.

    As for sodium, really the only way to address it is cutting down on the processed foods. Try to get as much of your nutrition from whole, fresh foods as possible. And drink your water!

    And don't worry about being over on protein or fiber (a little, don't go overboard.)

    I know it's hard to understand (and can be hard to physically do), but eating at goal really will help your weight loss (and general health). And again, refer to my PP where I was talking about increasing cals without too much volume. :wink:
  • allisong83
    allisong83 Posts: 11
    I find that I tend to get really close to going over on my sodium intake. For instance including all meals and snacks that I will eat today (I like to plan ahead) here's how I am looking:

    Calorie Goal : 1690
    Food: 1225
    Exercise: -152
    Net: 1073
    Total Fat: 21g left out of 61g
    Saturated: 7g left out of 19g
    Cholesterol: 168 mg left out of 300 mg
    Sodium: 208 mg left out of 2500
    Potassium: 2040 mg left out of 3500
    Total Carbs: 84 left out of 252
    Fiber: I am 6 over. I am allowed 19 g a day
    Sugar: 4 g left out of 34 g
    Protein: I am 1 over. I am allowed 68 g
    Vitamin A: 432%
    Vitamin C: 412%
    Calcium: 151%
    Iron: 151%

    I am 5'6 and 167 lbs

    So going by what was said I need to eat 617 calories more today? I cannot even imagine doing that!

    Ideally, yes. An occasional day isn't a big deal, but if you are consistently that far under goal, it will backfire eventually. The main thing is to make sure your NET is at least 1200.

    As for sodium, really the only way to address it is cutting down on the processed foods. Try to get as much of your nutrition from whole, fresh foods as possible. And drink your water!

    And don't worry about being over on protein or fiber (a little, don't go overboard.)

    I know it's hard to understand (and can be hard to physically do), but eating at goal really will help your weight loss (and general health). And again, refer to my PP where I was talking about increasing cals without too much volume. :wink:

    Thanks for the info. I do get plenty of water by the way. It's all I drink. I just don't ever log it because I think it's silly. :-)
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