new and need advise..

Hi, I was always a small person before I got pregnant. I ate what I wanted and excercise was non existent. I always stayed around 120pds and I am 5ft4in. Now flashforward a year and a half and I am 145. I was on bedrest most of my pregnancy and put on some weight that wasnt "baby". I so desperately want my body back and I am starting to work on it. I need suggestions and lots of them on what to eat, how much to excersice, and so on. I currently am on a 1200 calorie diet as suggested my mfp and I just started p90x. I want to start running as well. Dieting has always been my hard part because I dont know what to eat specifically. Any help would be much appreciated and any excersicing involving a baby would be great! Thanks


  • kattyisfat
    kattyisfat Posts: 10
    Baby weight gain is easy to lose if you work at it every day. Don't over do it though or you will wear yourself out and the baby needs you refreshed and alert! Take it slow and steady and you will see the pounds come off. Just don't expect it to all go away tomorrow. 1-2 pounds a week and it will stay off forever! Good luck!
  • deisherdanielle
    Thanks, I tend to want to overdue it and my dr doesnt help. She wanted me to lose 5lbs and told me a 500-800 cal a day diet was just fine, after research I found that it is not fine! I will definately do my best to keep healthy while losing weight!
  • carloP90X
    carloP90X Posts: 109
    I would reconsider your daily caloric intake and up it to 1800 cal a day and re-read the P90X nutrition plan. 50% of 1800 calories should come from protein, 30% should come from Carbs and 20% from fat. Everything is mapped out for you; all the guesswork is already done by them.

    If you follow the P90X Classic schedule you will be burining at least 600 calories a day alone from the workout which translates to 3,600 calories burned from working out alone per week. Now add your caloric intake and that is an easy 2-3 lbs. a week that you will be shredding.

    Remember, that the P90X workouts account for only 20% of your success with the program. The other 80% is all nutrition. This is because the workouts are roughly 1 1/2 hr. What you do the other 22 1/2 hours of the day is based on nutrition.

    As far as running, substitute it instead of doing Kenpo X. Do not skip Plyometrics and Yoga regardless.

    remember, clear your mind, get your head right and control your attitude or your attitude will control you.
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    -protein with breakfast (eggs, peanut butter and toast, yougrt, or string cheese type stuff).

    -small healthy snacks are good!

    -listen to your body, when it is full, when it is actually hungry etc.
    -stay away from prepackaged foods and frozen foods (like tv dinners).
    -Eats your fruit and veggies!
    -give yourself a cheat day or meal once a week to let yourself eat what you want!

    -start running easy withintervals. ex. run for 1 min and walk for 2 min for 30-45 min every other day or so (don't want to burn out or injure yourself).

    -Lift weights (not heavy) to increase muscle streangth. (like 3 llbs for starters) Free weights will give you your bang for your buck!

    -jump roping quickly for any amount of time is almost as good as running! (I do it on rainy days)

    -Take days off!!!
  • deisherdanielle
    thanks i will give that a shot!