Support please

Hi all! I need to lose about 100 lbs. I did it once before but sadly three kids later and most of it is back. I could really use some support! Thanks?!!


  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hey there,
    welcome to MFP!

    Wishing you complete success with your goals, use the things that worked before and the awesome support that MFP provides and you will do awesome!

  • musica102380
    musica102380 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks! I really appreciate it!
  • Tittan44
    Tittan44 Posts: 40 Member
    You have taken the biggest step... now make the little goals count
  • jallen8484
    jallen8484 Posts: 6 Member
    Well the good news is you did it once before so you know you can do it. Congrats, by the way. That is a huge success and not to be taken lightly.

    Start small. Do you know what type of exercise you like? If so start there. Try to workout one day on, one day off for 10 days. Then go to two on, one off for the next 10 days, and so on.

    Also log your food. I can honestly says I hate tracking what I eat but it is the only way I can move the scale.

    Hang in there. You know you can do this.
  • musica102380
    musica102380 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks all. With three kids five and under and a full time job exercise time is difficult. I got UP 24 next week I am going to try to add steps during my day to start and go from there.
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    You should check out the "just for today" thread. It has been very helpful for me to focus on small goals so the big number doesn't seem soooooo big. I am also working on 100+ pounds.
  • Been there, done that. It's tough. Right now I'm trying to lose 25 pounds. I find that just setting weekly goals is easiest...just 2 pounds a week. Little successes make you feel like you can keep going. You know you'll feel wonderful in the end.
  • chiilipepper
    chiilipepper Posts: 17 Member
    Done think about the 100lbs you need to lose, concentrate at one day at a time. Cleaning your diet little by little and know that it takes time and you want to be able to keep it off so just take your time and look at the big picture. You can do it!!!!
  • cleopatra651
    cleopatra651 Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome back! I am also an returning alumni of MFP so I understand the anxiety. I've been focusing on one day at a time, making sure I drink a lot of water, focus on one small goal a week (ie: 1/3 of my coffees will be black coffee this week), and most important for me is the support system on. MFP. I've just been finding people and adding like crazy lol. Reminds me that I'm not alone in this change. :D so please feel free to add me! The more the merrier :).