INSANITY and Bonnaroo...uhoh.

So I will be almost done with INSANITY when I leave for Bonnaroo (a music festival in TN, not a place where I can do INSANITY) and I would only have one workout left! :( Should I just do the fit test the day before I leave or in the AM of the day that I fly out instead of doing the last day (before the fit test) workout?

Man, I really wanted to COMPLETE the entire workout. Any suggestions?


  • nab22
    nab22 Posts: 168
    Ha that would bug me too! I would try to finish the whole thing. Is it horrible to do your last two workouts in one day? I don't know much about Insanity. You could do two in one day since you'll be at Bonnaroo and not working out for a few days. Jealous! Have fun
  • bobbie228
    bobbie228 Posts: 53
    I'd get up early and do the fit test the morning of the day I have to fly out. That way you will be able to enjoy your entire trip knowing you did that whole crazy insane workout! POst before and afters I have been debating about getting the program!