What should my goal weight be?

I'm 183cm tall and a little confused as to what my goal weight should be. Most of the time I feel pretty huge getting onto the scale and am wondering what a healthy weight for my height is. Currently I weight 72kgs but seem to fluctuate a kg up or down almost daily, is this normal for a person of my size? Seems really odd to me.


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited March 2015
    72kg at 183cm is a BMI of 21.5, which is already perfectly healthy, in the lower half of the healthy BMI range in fact. If you still want to lose a bit more you could try looking at http://www.mybodygallery.com and seeing what weight for your height people look best at to you (that's how I decided my goal weight). Though you may find it's not that you want to lose weight, but gain muscle, so weight training may be better for you. But that's terribly hypocritical of me to suggest since my BMI is 21.3 and I'm also trying to lose weight!

    The fluctuations are perfectly normal, everyone fluctuates. Some people up to 5lbs (2.2kgs) a day.
  • Thanks so much for the help. I think you're right, muscle gain is probably the best route forward because after looking at the site you suggested I discovered that I don't look too bad compared with women of the same height and weight as myself. My new goal is therefore just to feel healthier and not place a number on it.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Agree body recomposition and resistance training is where you should go.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Whatever makes you happy when you're there.
  • Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Whatever makes you happy when you're there.
    I was feeling pretty happy before I was informed that I had gained weight by some unscrupulous friends. Prior to that I can't even say I got on a scale except once for my medical for ship work 2 year ago. So after receiving the feedback I bought a scale and downloaded this app after some consideration. In conclusion I'm new to this whole calorie counting fitness scene and was just looking for direction.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    legsbaker wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Whatever makes you happy when you're there.
    I was feeling pretty happy before I was informed that I had gained weight by some unscrupulous friends. Prior to that I can't even say I got on a scale except once for my medical for ship work 2 year ago. So after receiving the feedback I bought a scale and downloaded this app after some consideration. In conclusion I'm new to this whole calorie counting fitness scene and was just looking for direction.

    If you were happy with your weight why does if matter if someone said you gained weight?
  • It was friends plural, so I figured it was worth some investigation. Now that I'm on this path I'd like to follow through with it. Can't hurt to live more mindfully right?
  • emilyesq
    emilyesq Posts: 47 Member
    Seconding the recommendation for My Body gallery - not only can that help someone determine a goal weight, but it's helped me feel a lot better about my current weight as well.

    As people are saying, your weight is perfectly healthy, and you'd probably feel better if you focus on building strength and toning muscle rather than weight loss.

    I just started the Stronglifts 5x5 program, and while I still have 17 pounds to go before I'm at my goal weight (which is actually a higher BMI than you have now!), I'm noticing a HUGE change in my body shape and composition since I started focusing on heavy lifting. Even when I compare to other times that I've been at my current weight, I look way better and definitely smaller now.

    I'd recommend you look into a program like SL 5x5 and get started with building the body you want, rather than cutting your food intake and making yourself smaller than you need to be. :)