Day ONE!!!! And already not off to a great start!



  • DRSRiley
    DRSRiley Posts: 26
    no is a process...keep focused and move forward...all the best and feel free to add me for support....I just joined this site 8 days ago and I am excited to slow down and take better care of me!
  • valkyrian
    valkyrian Posts: 10
    It's day 1 for me as well & it sounds like your treat was high on calories - but you shouldn't go hungry thoughout the day. That' s not good for you. Try taking a walk during a lunch break - or after dinner this evening. A little extra movement will help. Good luck!! :happy:
  • Vickiemai
    Vickiemai Posts: 1
    Its my first day too.
    I going to tell u what everyone tells me dont look at what u cant eat but at what u can.
    another thing is eat what u love just eat less of it. u might want to use it as a reward and have it when u have made a few days at ur goal. just keep trying and remember how good ull fell once u make it to ur goal
    good luck
  • WhyW8
    WhyW8 Posts: 54 Member
    Sometimes I look at things online (calorie counts) before I eat / drink them if I have the time and then I can say "do I REALLY want this?" and usually the answer is no. BUT, when I really want something, then I have it first (although maybe only have half the size what I would have if I wasn't counting every calorie!) , see how bad it was after and make sure there is enough time in the day to do some exercise and balance it out. We get 15 minute breaks at work - 2 of them. I never took mine before. Now I take both and go for brisk walks on each one - thats over 100 calories burned right there! So you can do one big workout or little bits here and there. Am I going to log 5 minutes of walking? You bet your butt I am. Because it all counts. A little bit at a time. Knowledge is power. From now on you know how that daily drink is going to affect your bottom line and you can choose to make a healthier choice or have it and know what to do to make it not hurt so bad. Also, not sure what size you were drinking but the unadvertized starbucks size is a "short" - they use it for kids hot chocolates and stuff - its a little baby thing, but maybe you can have what you want only a smaller version. (I don't know if they still offer that size, but maybe worth checking it out.) Good luck - you will do fine!
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