The Beck Diet Solution

I have been trying to achieve some weight loss for a few years now. My cycle has been to promise myself to engage in a sensible diet strategy - right away - feel much better in myself and then fall at the first hurdle!

I have done this SO many times that I thought to myself that I must sit down and really think about how to implement a healthy diet. I think I have had a stroke of luck because I came across this book called The Beck Diet Solution: It isnt about food choices - rather it is a programme that looks at the behavioural and thinking changes that you need to put in place to support your diet.

I am on day 6 and my task is to find a diet coach. Would anyone else be interested in following the programme and we could be each other's coach?


  • Fooby2
    Fooby2 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Wendy, did you find a coach? I have ordered the thin women's brain, later realising I wanted the Beck one. I'm trying to read all I can online and have already had heaps of positive changes. I would orpffer to be a coach but don't know the role needed? Let me know if you think I could help!
  • kasaz
    kasaz Posts: 274 Member
    Just to let you know there is a Beck site on the 3FatChicks website. It is very active and they are each others coach. You can go to 3FatChicks then click on Forum and then down aways on the page under "Diet Central" you will see the Beck Diet Solution.
  • Fooby2
    Fooby2 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for that, I bought the book online and it is so practical for me so far. Will head to 3 fc xx
  • Mindsiview
    Mindsiview Posts: 42 Member
    I am an avid fan of the Beck Diet Solution and have been using it for about 5 years now. I've lost 35 pounds so far, but have stalled out (and stopped following Judith's wonderful advice) and want to get back into it. I've created a group here on MFP, but will also take a look at the 3FatChicks website.

    You know there is a new book coming out, right?
  • christabelle66
    christabelle66 Posts: 83 Member
    I recently read the Beck Diet Solution and The Diet Trap. I would love to join the group but have not been too successful navigating the group pages. What is it called?