It feels like forever

This morning I felt frustrated about the lack of weightloss :grumble: :explode: :mad: :devil: that scale and not much differance in lost inches..Then I realised that I had miscalculated the total inches lost by a full inch the last time I measured:mad: I suck at math:grumble: and it should have been an 8.5 inches lost not 9.5 that I tought and was so proud of...So anyway this morning I did properlly and the real inches lost is 9.25 inches since january 2nd/08
To get back to this feeling forever, I only joined this board tuesday so it won`t even be a week until next tuesday so why am I expecting to see weightloss already:huh: I am being to impatient and there is definattly no resons for be to be ..
I have entered all my foods in the food diary since tuesday and will actually force myself to have a bit more food to make up what the site recommends because of bruning a lot of calories.
I have a goal of making 4 /45 minutes work outs per week and with 3 days left I have work out 4x already and I am over projected time and burned calories. So why am I complaining:grumble:
I guess I am spoiled and want what I want when I want it and that kind of mentality just won`t cut it in a healthy lifestyle and if someone would please give a swift kick in you know where, I`ll stop this grumpiness and be happy with what I have acomplished and stop stressing over what I can`t help...


  • newstart
    This morning I felt frustrated about the lack of weightloss :grumble: :explode: :mad: :devil: that scale and not much differance in lost inches..Then I realised that I had miscalculated the total inches lost by a full inch the last time I measured:mad: I suck at math:grumble: and it should have been an 8.5 inches lost not 9.5 that I tought and was so proud of...So anyway this morning I did properlly and the real inches lost is 9.25 inches since january 2nd/08
    To get back to this feeling forever, I only joined this board tuesday so it won`t even be a week until next tuesday so why am I expecting to see weightloss already:huh: I am being to impatient and there is definattly no resons for be to be ..
    I have entered all my foods in the food diary since tuesday and will actually force myself to have a bit more food to make up what the site recommends because of bruning a lot of calories.
    I have a goal of making 4 /45 minutes work outs per week and with 3 days left I have work out 4x already and I am over projected time and burned calories. So why am I complaining:grumble:
    I guess I am spoiled and want what I want when I want it and that kind of mentality just won`t cut it in a healthy lifestyle and if someone would please give a swift kick in you know where, I`ll stop this grumpiness and be happy with what I have acomplished and stop stressing over what I can`t help...
  • alwaysenl
    alwaysenl Posts: 197 Member
    You lost 9.5 inches since Jan 2nd? That's amazing! You should feel good about yourself you did great so far this month. Congrats and just keep up the good work! It's easy to get discouraged- I haven't lost anything this week and I worked out hard 5 days and stayed in my calories also- just know you're not alone and things will kick up again. Keep going strong :smile:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Someone who hadn't seen me for a while asked me "what is your secret?"

    I told her: "patience".

    Honor the accomplishments you've made. Do you feel better eating better and working out? This is about your health!

    The scale is the :devil: .
