I'm officially out of the "dub chub club"!!

I started my journey February 1, 2015 and since then have lost 24.2 pounds! Starting weight was 224, and this morning I'm officially 199.8! I still have 50 pounds to lose until I reach my goal weight but cheers to small victories! Hope everyone keeps up their good work, I'll be right there with ya!!

PSA: I lovingly and very jokingly called my being over 200lbs the "dub chub club" so please don't take offense to the name!


  • sharonocallaghan1956
    sharonocallaghan1956 Posts: 30 Member
    Wow this is a great achievement - we'll done you - keep going xx
  • Momma_Raucks
    Momma_Raucks Posts: 69 Member
    thats pretty great results in one month, please share your top 5 suggestions for such dramatic results?
  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    Well done! Keep going! Cheers to all small victories!
  • addictedtograce
    Thank you all! I've been eating clean, drinking a ton of water through out the day and work out 3-4 times at the gym! Plus I chase around my 11 month old son all day too so that has to count for some cardio!
  • Bchlvr64
    Bchlvr64 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm so happy for you. I have 18 lbs to go to say the same and feeling a little discouraged lately as to wondering can I really do this?? Can counting calories really get me there? Yes, please share more about what you are doing. Congrats to you.
  • addictedtograce
    addictedtograce Posts: 14
    edited March 2015
    And as for suggestions I would have to say:

    1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Water is your bestfriend.
    2. Don't skip meals! I have three meals a day with 1-2 snacks in between.
    3. I cut out pretty much all dairy products excluding the occasional plain greek yogurt for breakfast/snack.
    4. Exercise! Get your body moving.
    5. My favorite foods, that I contribute a lot to my weight loss has been, hard boiled eggs, avocado, and sweet potatos, chicken, and I've been hooked on making bison burgers and topping them with homemade guacamole! (No bun of course lol)
  • peaceandak47
    peaceandak47 Posts: 10 Member
    haha love the nickname dub chub club great job!
  • Ginaaa71
    Ginaaa71 Posts: 61 Member
    I can't wait to lose my membership to that club
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    So welcome to a new club! It's called "Onederland" for those somewhere in the 100s.
  • addictedtograce
    addictedtograce Posts: 14
    edited March 2015
    meritage4 wrote: »
    So welcome to a new club! It's called "Onederland" for those somewhere in the 100s.

    That's awesome! I've seen the term Onederland but never knew what it meant lol!
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Very well done lass!
  • shamika83
  • addictedtograce
    Thank you!
  • clayslc5
    clayslc5 Posts: 3 Member
    Ginaaa71 wrote: »
    I can't wait to lose my membership to that club

    I second that!
  • pickledeggy
    pickledeggy Posts: 31 Member
    Thats Brilliant! I have 12lbs until im out of that club. I started 57lbs far into that club! I cant wait
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Great work!
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