what about yoga and pilates? and sugar?

I've just discovered MFP and I'm finding it really helpful with regards maintaining focus on my eating but I'm super disappointed to see that the types of exercise I enjoy are really not specified very well in the exercise section. Yes, yoga and pilates are listed but there is a WORLD of difference between different types - a gentle mat pilates class is incomparable to a reformer class or a jumpboard or bootcamp class on the reformer, which are a step up again. And with yoga - compare a gentle yin yoga class with astanga or bikram - not even on the same planet, calorie wise. I'd love some suggestions on how to include the range of exercise that works for me and to get the motivation I am enjoying with the food.
- and on another point - does anyone know how I can get my sugar consumption (a real issue for me) to show clearly in a way I can track it over the week and feel rewarded (in a way that does not include a chocolate bar!!)

Thank you in advance and keep up the good work everyone :smile:
willowtvo X


  • harempants
    harempants Posts: 11 Member
    I find the same problem when logging certain kinds of exercises (pole dance fitness, for example) which simply aren't listed in the database. My solution has been to log an exercise I feel has similar exertion. For instance, I use the elliptical trainer at work, but it has no arm component and therefore burns fewer calories than a regular elliptical. Therefore I log it as "walking, upstairs" and the calorie count on MFP comes out about the same as what the machine tells me a burned. If you take your pulse during exercise you can find many online calculators which will tell you calorie burn by heart rate, and then you can input something from MFP which matches.

    Regarding the sugar tracking, under "Reports" there is a nutrition section and sugar is one of the reports you can see for the week, month, etc. Or if you want to see it daily go to the settings in MFP and change what is displayed in your food diary. I changed mine to show sodium.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Just enter your own estimations. I have several different types of yoga in my database - vinyasa, hatha, astanga. I've based the burn off of internet searches and how I feel during the workout. My number is usually what the internet tells me, cut in half ;)

    It's *all* just a guess really.