Early Morning Exercise & Food

Newbie question!! I want to be at the gym when it opens this morning, should I be eating breakfast before I head out or wait until after my workout?


  • grantevans11
    grantevans11 Posts: 114 Member
    Try having a high carb meal the night before, this should fuel your morning workout meaning you don't have to eat breakfast before the gym.

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    There are 2 schools of thought.

    1. fasted cardio= go without food becayse then your body will have to burn fat. I looked into this and found the benefits were marginal. If people choose to do this its becayse it suits them and not based on it being more effective imo. Its fine if you wnat to do it this way.
    2. The other school of thought is to eat some carbs before you go so you have enough fule to have an effective workout. Running out of energy is counter productive. Complex carbs are better than anything with significant fat in them as it will allow steady release of energy.
    3. That said if your workout is c 1 hour and depending on how hard it is, then you probably wont run out of energy. lsten to your body and how you feel.
    4. You must hydrate though , steady water consumption every 15-20 minutes will be more effective than all at one go.

    See what suits you and adjust accordingly. There are a zillion articles on what to eat before and after . Just google. I always make sure I have a banana and drink some water.
  • serenity1097
    serenity1097 Posts: 135 Member
    Thank you, I will grab a banana & save breakfast for after workout