too much fruit?



  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    sugar in fruit IS a big deal...
    ideally, you dont want to be eating more than one peice of fruit per day, preferbally in the mornings...or before/after a workout.

    the sugar in fruit will be turned to fat unless used. So if you are in a position to need it, ie pre/post workout, then go ahead! as it will be used to help restore glycogen levels etc, and provide the insulin spike you're body wants after training.

    if you go and munch on it on a rest day though, its likely to be stored as fat. :)

    me, i barely touch fruit anymore. cept avocado, i smash that! :p but its higher in fat, rather than if good for me.
    Fat greater than sugar/carbs. ;)
  • kristinmk
    kristinmk Posts: 6
    Sounds like you are doing good! Cutting out sugar and carbs are the way to lose weight! Processed foods are worth skipping when you can eat "real food" and feel satisfied and lose weight. You have overcome a big part of it. It seems getting over the sugar craving is defiantly one of the hardest parts. I find staying away from it is the only way for me. Yes, sugar craving are as strong as any addiction!

    Things I found that help me:
    1. Don't buy it! If it isn't in the house it is harder to get too.
    2. Tell yourself you don't need it, because you are working towards a healthy, thinner, strong,!
    3. Try winging yourself with low glycemic foods - green apples, anyone?
    4. Avoid sweeteners!!!!! It only makes your body want it more and your blood sugar go up!
    5. Try some protein when you crave. I always want something sweet at night so I make an egg and/or bacon.
    6. Infused water instead of diet or 0 cal drinks! Water is always best , just cut up some fruit and let it sit in the fridge and TaDa! A tasty drink!
    7. Do a sugar detox! It's a great kickstart!
    8. When you do mess up, Don't Beat Yourself Up! I struggle with this, but every day is a new day. :)
  • Sounds like you are doing good! Cutting out sugar and carbs are the way to lose weight! Processed foods are worth skipping when you can eat "real food" and feel satisfied and lose weight. You have overcome a big part of it. It seems getting over the sugar craving is defiantly one of the hardest parts. I find staying away from it is the only way for me. Yes, sugar craving are as strong as any addiction!

    Things I found that help me:
    1. Don't buy it! If it isn't in the house it is harder to get too.
    2. Tell yourself you don't need it, because you are working towards a healthy, thinner, strong,!
    3. Try winging yourself with low glycemic foods - green apples, anyone?
    4. Avoid sweeteners!!!!! It only makes your body want it more and your blood sugar go up!
    5. Try some protein when you crave. I always want something sweet at night so I make an egg and/or bacon.
    6. Infused water instead of diet or 0 cal drinks! Water is always best , just cut up some fruit and let it sit in the fridge and TaDa! A tasty drink!
    7. Do a sugar detox! It's a great kickstart!
    8. When you do mess up, Don't Beat Yourself Up! I struggle with this, but every day is a new day. :)

    great advice...i had a major slip today so hearing this helps a lot...especially the part about not beating yourself up : )
  • I eat apples like crazy but I wouldn't worry to much about going over ur sugar intake aslong as its not too much over. Plus there is a difference between the sugar in candy or junk food and in fruits, fruits are all natural sugar which is much better for you.I googled some stuff which said certain fruits take more calories to burn in ur system then what they actually have like a small apple maybe 60 calories but it takes 75 calories to burn it. The same with certain veggies. Hope that helps alittle :smile:
  • I personally don't think the sugar in fruit is that big of a deal. I mean, there should definitely be a limit on the amount of fruit one eats, but I'm not as worried about it as I am refined added sugars. I usually eat about three or four pieces of fruit every day. I guess I'm not really that big of a help.... lol Sorry. :ohwell:

    Im sorry but I totally agree. I have tweaked and twisted my diet to drastically reduce refined sugars, huge carb sources, saturated fats and I refuse to give up my fibre loaded, natural sugar producing fruit! My change is a lifestyle change - I am not going to avoid fruit forever so i can't do it now from the start. I do however only eat green apples, certain pears (Nashi's are my favourite ever!), green grapes, grapefruit & kiwi fruits as these are my preferred taste and lower in sugars (and you will get more vit C from kiwi than any orange). Bananas are great for pre-workout boosts but are high in energy...and bloody expensive in Australia so I stay clear. You will come across all sorts of research on fruit, but as long as it is eating in moderation I am a pro-fruit fan ;-)
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