Ready to give up



  • LuckyMe2017
    LuckyMe2017 Posts: 454 Member
    Haven't read the other posts but there are many possibilities. I am in a similar position. Id been losing 2lb per week and then suddenly started fluctuating up/down btwn 187-188 for a week. I have resolved to be patient. It could be water weight, type of carbs, simple resistance from my body... I don't know. Or maybe I lost inches in an unmeasured spot. Just keep going. Friend me if you'd like.
  • rdhdscorp
    rdhdscorp Posts: 12 Member
    I just want to thank everyone again for the words of encouragement, suggestions and keeping me strong. I think that I have finally found something that works (walking every day at lunch, eating 1100-1200 calories a day, measuring & weighing everything, and meal planning) and I'm so happy to finally feel like all my hard work is paying off. You all really helped so thank you again.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    It sounds like your plan has some really sound points. Dont forget to avoid beating up on yourself as you are the most importnat person and you need to still be there at the end when you get to your target. Other than that consistency and just taking it one day at a ime will get you a long way. If you make some bad choices one day, just learn from it and try and make better ones the day after. Be patient and you will get there. Ask if you feel lost or hit trouble. Good luck.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    You need to accept that some weeks, the scale won't drop, and just stick with your plan. If you want to give up after a one week stall, how will you handle a one month plateau? They can happen. This is the time to build your confidence that you can do it, and that you won't let set backs stop you.

    In the meantime, hang in there. Sometimes the weight doesn't drop right away, sometimes your body retains water or whatever, and you will get a sudden whoosh.
    Some weeks, you’ll find that you don’t lose any weight at all – even when you’re maintaining the appropriate caloric deficit. The scale pretty much stays exactly the same.
    Then the following week, you’ll suddenly lose a whole bunch of weight at once – in fact, much more than you would expect to lose in just one week.
    But how could this be? You are eating the same number of calories, exercising the same amount – why is it that you would lose such staggeringly different amounts, week to week?
    Well, the answer to this lies in something that has been fittingly dubbed “the whoosh”. Yes, you read that right!
    taken from here
  • DKLI
    DKLI Posts: 63 Member
    Whenever I get frustrated I remind myself that in the long run, it does work. I also remind myself that eating less and getting more exercise is not temporary but how I should be living. When I get into that mindset I can stick to my 'diet' because there really is no "end" but is a positive change overall. Think of it that way and it may help you feel less frustrated that you're not meeting goals fast enough and that it may mentally free you to stay focused. Just my 2 cents. :)
  • jbaile07
    jbaile07 Posts: 7
  • danishgirlbc
    danishgirlbc Posts: 8 Member
    rdhdscorp wrote: »
    I've seen the other discussion threads and it has made me feel a little better knowing I'm not the only one out there struggling. But I'm very frustrated and confused at what I am doing wrong. Currently I try to eat within 1100-1300 calories a day during the week and I allow myself to eat around 1400 calories on the weekends. I fast walk/sometimes jog 3 1/2 miles 4 days a week. I enter everything I eat, and I mean everything. I both weigh and measure myself so that I can truly see if I've lost anything.

    Well within the last month or more I lost 2 pounds and a little over 2 inches, then this week I gained .2 ounces. I worked my butt off power walking and was exhausted by Friday so to find out nothing I did worked, I'm ready to throw in the towel. Yes, I ate a salad and a small side of rice from El Pollo Loco last night and went over my sodium intake for the day but I just find it hard to believe that that would be why I actually gained weight and didn't lose any inches. You would think I would have lost something. Even a few ounces at least.

    I weigh most of my food (although I read I should way all solid foods which I might start doing) and measure others. I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I'm not looking for harsh remarks as I'm already at a low point and don't need to feel worse. I'm just at a loss. I was terrified to weigh/measure myself this morning so bad that I had nightmares about it, so to see that my fears were warranted is so discouraging. I'm tired of trying with no success. It feels like I'm putting in all this hard work for nothing while others around me are taking shortcuts and having success. Help please!

    I spent a year doing what you did & it was maddening! For me, I found out I wasn't eating enough!! I had 3 trainers tell me same thing but I found it hard to believe, that taking in MORE food could help me lose weight & gain muscle. It's about your body thinking its is starvation mode so it holds on to every pound. I finally was so frustrated I decided to give it a try. He upped my calorie intake to 1500 / day with 40-30-30 split (protein 40 %, carbs 30 % and fat 30 %) he made me promise not to weigh for 10 days
  • danishgirlbc
    danishgirlbc Posts: 8 Member
    Shoot it cut off my reply ... Anyways... Losing eight now!!! It works!
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    I agree totally with 42carrots. This weight loss process in not linear. Sometimes it shows up during a week you don't expect it. Sometimes there is a little gain in the weeks you do expect to lose. Just don't give up. This is a journey, sometimes a long one to get to the goal. But if you work through the weeks you don't like with continued perseverance you WILL win!!! Keep up the awesome work. It is work, not achieved easily, most of the time. You can do this!!
  • inchwormbyinchworm
    inchwormbyinchworm Posts: 180 Member
    I appreciate your very high expectations, but I can understand why you are burned out. Perhaps if you think more marathon and less sprint, you will be able to enjoy the process a little more and feel less discouraged.
    Hang in there!