Only one pound in 32 days? This really blows!

krishildy Posts: 23 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm hoping some of you can give me some direction because I am starting to become frustrated and questioning myself and whether this is even worth the effort anymore.

While this is the first time in my life that I have become really serious about trying to become more fit, lose weight, and take better care of myself, I should say that I could never understand how people could change their habits for a few days to drop/gain a few pounds -- I have never been able to have that kind of control over my weight.

A little background info: I'm right at the obesity threshold. 185 pounds on a 5'6" frame, I'll be turning 40 in a month. Up until a month ago, I would eat anything I wanted, when I wanted to. I was 165 pounds in December of 2004, so I've been gaining an average of 4 pounds annually.

Ok, here goes. I started on MFP on April 10th, 32 days ago. I tried to count calories the best I could, and documented all of my exercises/times/calories burnt, etc. I do not have a heart rate monitor, but have been using numbers off the equipment I use at the gym or those online calorie burn calculators. I also signed up with a gym.

To keep my data simple and easy to follow, I averaged most of it out. Over the past 32 days, I went to the gym 22 days. On those 22 days, I burnt an average of 500 calories. I've been trying to eat back all my exercise calories. Over the 32 days, I averaged eating about 1640 calories total and my overage/underage averaged about 95 calories over. Since MFP has a deficit of 500 calories built in, I should still be losing some weight.

All that sweat work, all that watching what I'm eating (I am eating MUCH better than I used to, but I know I could still do even better), and I've only lost one pound. I actually lost three pounds at one point, but gained two back. No change in my measurements, either!!!! I do feel a little teeny bit more "toned," but you can't tell by looking at me, so it could all just be in my head. I am exhausted most of the days that I go to the gym.

I do not have any thyroid issues or anything else going on medically that I know of.

So..... What gives? All this work over 32 days for one lousy pound?????


  • stargazgal
    stargazgal Posts: 93 Member
    My only advice would be to only eat half of those calories MFP probably gave you abotu 1200 to lose 2 lbs right? Now, stick to that 1200 cals on days you dont exercise and on days you do exercise try to eat between 1400 and 1550 (the gym machines def overestimate the calories burned). Also watch the sodium/sugar and fat intake! Hope this helps...
    ps...drink at least 10 cups of water!
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Stick in there. It took me 3 WEEKS to lose a lb!!!!!!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    My only advice would be to only eat half of those calories MFP probably gave you abotu 1200 to lose 2 lbs right? Now, stick to that 1200 cals on days you dont exercise and on days you do exercise try to eat between 1400 and 1550 (the gym machines def overestimate the calories burned). Also watch the sodium/sugar and fat intake! Hope this helps...
    ps...drink at least 10 cups of water!

    Totally agree! It is a great investment to get a HRM so you are not eating back too many calories. Good Luck!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    hard to tell without seeing your diary but sodium is a big culprit and I too would suggest trying things like only eating half of your exercise calories back...but you have to stick with whatever you choose for at least 3 weeks before making more changes...also invest in a could be over accounting your actual workout burn
  • kadye
    kadye Posts: 136 Member
    I thought I was only eating about 1600 calories/day until I got a food scale. It turned out I was closer to 2000. Once I started weighing EVERYTHING (in grams when possible) I started losing. It's so easy to underestimate intake and overestimate calories burned.
  • nickylj
    nickylj Posts: 3 Member
    I purchased a monitor to calculate my calories burned and I found that the workout programs I use always show more calories burned than my monitor does. I did 55 minutes of Zumba on my Wii and my monitor only showed 349 calories burned. I just go by that so I don't think I have more calories than I actually have. It is also useful to see how many I burned total for the day compared to food intake. Keep it up--you can do it!
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    Stick in there. It took me 3 WEEKS to lose a lb!!!!!!

    like waverly, i also only lost about 1 or 2 lbs in an entire 2 weeks! some of us are slower to lose weight. i have been trying some different methods and i find that i was consuming WAY too much carbs and not enough fiber and protein! after i cut back of carbs, i have finally begun to lose more weight. maybe you should look closer at your food intake?

    eat more metabolism-boosting foods also.
  • muggle311
    muggle311 Posts: 14
    I would say get the heart rate monitor if you can. The machines WAY overestimate your calorie burn.
    My treadmill is off by at least 100+ calories when it says 205 I am close to burning 99 maybe 101 so that is how off they are.
    Calories does make a difference and the quality of your calories. However if you are eating back calories you did not burn well then that would make the pounds down a whole lot harder. It is nice to know and a HR monitor will tell you calories burned all day long if you leave it on. I have one and don't workout without it. Even my garmin has a chest strap.
    Keeps things more real.
    Stick to it though sometimes the scale does not show your progress.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I think it would be beneficial if you opened your diary so we could get a reference.

    "I tried to count calories the best I could"

    Are you weighing/measuring everything?

    Are you going over your sodium? If you haven't added sodium to your diary you might want to turn it on and check it out.

    Are you eating ENOUGH calories? You said you're eating back some of your exercise many calories are you netting? (I know I have a hard time netting 1200 calories when I exercise and burn over 1000).

    Are you drinking enough water? How much?
  • ebert5150
    ebert5150 Posts: 135 Member
    Have you noticed any changes in your body? Maybe you're losing fat and gaining muscle weight. I've gone weeks without losing weight but have gone from a pair of pants not fitting to being able to wear them. I've decided to get away from purely weight loss related goals and focus more on fitness. I still follow the mfp calorie count but I also think about:

    1. Am I getting stronger?
    2. Have I increased my endurance in the run?
    3. Have I increased my mile speed?

    The answer to all those questions is yes and I bet you've noticed your fitness improving too despite not seeing your weight drop. Don't give up, it will come off eventually!
  • born2bskinny
    born2bskinny Posts: 8 Member
    You could try lean protiens for 2 or 3 days to kick start your diet. I started doing that on Monday and have lost 5lbs! Pure protien is definitely not good for you, but for a few days to eliminate the sugar and give yourself a kickstart isn't bad. Don't give up, you can do it!:happy:
  • phy40
    phy40 Posts: 260 Member
    Hang in there. I joined this site in March and I haven't lost a pound. I just keep trying.
  • serendipityrr
    serendipityrr Posts: 109 Member
    I thought I was only eating about 1600 calories/day until I got a food scale. It turned out I was closer to 2000. Once I started weighing EVERYTHING (in grams when possible) I started losing. It's so easy to underestimate intake and overestimate calories burned.

    This is absolutely true!!!
  • dawnkitchen
    dawnkitchen Posts: 161
    Heart rate monitor, food scale, and watch sodium (also make sure you're getting ENOUGH potassium).
    In the past four weeks, I've had only a GAIN of .8lb, but in the past 5ish weeks, I've lost 5 inches over my body. Our bodies are smart.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I was having the same troubles, even went to the doctor. He put me on a lower carb diet plan. I eat the Atkins way, started from the beginning Induction phase. I DO NOT count calories at all. I count only the carbs. I find that I am NEVER hungry or feel deprived of anything and rarely go over 1700 cals a day. I lost 10lbs my first week and 9 lbs the next 2 months. I do not eat calories back or anything like that.....

    Not all diet plans work for everyone, I tried a few and this is the best by far.....
  • bsilence
    bsilence Posts: 2
    I would talk with your doctor too. Although you may think there is no thyroid issue, without blood work, that could definitely be the culprit. Drink your water, and hang in there because you are doing an amazing job of getting physically fit. As much as I hate to say it, turning 40 affects your metabolism patient and gracious with yourself and know that you are doing an amazing thing for you and your family!!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I agree, open your diary so we can have a better idea of what you're eating. For me, I was losing about .4lbs/week until I switched my diet up so that I'm eating more protein and less carbs (at least 100g protein/day and less than 200g carbs/day... except this week, I have a race on Saturday lol) and the weight started dropping off a lot easier. Also, are you being honest with yourself? Those one or two nibbles on your son's leftovers or that bite of a friend's donut will add up. I think that you should try to be VERY diligent with your calories. You'll realize how quickly little things add up. Do you put cream in your coffee? Measure out a 50 calorie serving size, mix it in, and see how it tastes compared to what you normally used. I found I was typically adding 120 calories/day just in coffee creamer alone. It really pays to keep close eye on these things.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member

    P.S. They say that weight loss is 80/20....80% what you eat and 20% exercise, so even without working out you should be losing if you are eating right.,..
  • cheezywino
    cheezywino Posts: 2
    Keep in mind that muscle weights more than fat so it will be likely that your scale won't change much in the beginning of a muscle building routine. Eat yogurt before a work out you burn 30% more fat during your workout. And drink lots of water no sodium beverages. You can't lose weight without drinking water that's how fat is broken down. Keep with the work outs and try to eat many small meals not less large ones even if it means splitting your meal and eating the other half 2 hrs later. you will find that your probably not even hungry by then.
    Stay with it you can do this. Don't get too obsessive on the scale but stay with the work outs.
    Good luck
    I just started MFP today being very lazy and not exercising, enjoying lots of wine and cheese has brought here. I will be doing all this too over the next few months together I hope we both lose at least 10lbs by mid June.
  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    I was just looking at another website to see what their recommendations were for me to lose 1 pound a week. The calorie amount was right on with MFP but they recommended more protein and less fat and carbs than MFP. So, maybe that is the problem?
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