How do you

stick to your calorie limit every day? How do you succeed in losing weight every week? I know the answer might be obvious but would like to know how others stick to their goals if you would like to share, thanks


  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    One thing I do is pre log my food to see what will fit for the day. :smile: Especially if I want chocolate or cookies or chips... or whatever. :drinker:
  • honeybee_kisses
    honeybee_kisses Posts: 172 Member
    I plan. I always eat the same breakfast so that's pre logged and I have a family meal plan for dinners a week in advance so each morning I work out the calories in my portion and pre log it. Then I work my lunch around whatever's left while being careful to save some calories for an evening snack. I don't eat back exercise calories unless my pre logged dinner hasn't left me much for lunch, in which case I work out like a mad woman to earn myself a bigger meal lol
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Some of the things I do now that I never did 9 months (and 50lbs) ago

    * Batch cook at the weekend so I have work lunches
    * Eat foods I really enjoy - have a range of under 400 calorie go to meals
    * Adapt normal recipes I love and log them in recipe builder (edit them if I change them)
    * Check for ideas
    * Don't rule out any foods - types or groups
    * Eat either ice cream, chips, cookies or chocolate daily within my defecit
    * Weigh and log everything to my calorie limit across the week
    * accept hunger signals aren't always real and only react when they are

    Move more
    * Personal trainer once a week
    * gym workout 3x a week - weight training, push-ups, squats and targeting pull-ups
    * Take dog for long walks
    * use a fitbit every day

    * Good music with a strong beat
    * Strutting :grinning:
    * Buy new clothes in much smaller sizes
    * Throw clothes that don't fit in a big pile at the back of a spare cupboard
    * Photos of progression
    * Weigh daily, enjoying monitoring fluctuations
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    exercise a lot to create a bigger net calorie deficit.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Not have a huge deficit so I have a goodly amount of food to eat. It's easier that way.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited March 2015
    Focus on why im doing it, assess on what im doing and motivating by the results achieved.
    Log my food, eat roughly on my calories based on better nutrition than I had and get my backside down the gym to burn me some calories to improve my chance of being in deficit.

    I'd be lost without exercise as I find it the one aspect where I cna fight back with weight loss. Just counting calories is a bit too passive and restrictive for me.

    One thing I think has helps is to be focused, but flexible about my deficit. Within reason I dont deny myself food, be that chocolate or whatever. Restricting too much is a way to make yourself miserbale, stressed and to binge out. Knowing you cna if you wnat makes it easier not to.

    Btw im not brilliant, but I am still going and have lost consistently. Some people on this site seem to traumatise themself and make it harder than it needs to be.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    -Pre-log knowing that I will make modifications
    -Use a food scale, crock pot, nutribullet, and a few sets of measuring spons and and cups.
    -A clean kitchen -- I had to clear lots of gadgets off the counter to make room
    -Cook for two or three days at a time.
    -Buy some prepared food like rotisserie chicken.
    -Buy bagged lettuce and eat it right out of the bag so it does not have a "salad-y" feel
    -Buy lots of precut veggies
    -But frozen organic berries
    -Shop about twice a week
    -Have a decent stash of tea for variety: green, white, peppermint, black, lemon balm, cardamon
    -Discuss cooking plans with Hubby as he cooks most of the time while I shop most of the time.
    - Always skip breakfast because I am a night owl and do not feel like eating until late in the day. I have two meals most days.
  • MiltonAFC
    MiltonAFC Posts: 121 Member
    I buy the foods that I know will help me reach my goal and I know I will be the only one held responsible if I fail. I plan ahead and made myself a few variations to my recipes so I don't get bored of eating the same thing everyday.

    This is something that I really want to do for myself. The love and desire of this lifestyle is what pushes me through week in and week out.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    pre-logging anything i can
    weighing all my food (well, that i prepare/eat at home)
    eat what i want (within calorie allowance)- this includes junk food, eating out, wine, etc)
    eat smaller portions (kind of goes along with everything else)
    exercise almost every day - i go to the gym with my neighbor 2-3 times a week, zumba once a week, and walk between 2-3 miles on the days no gym or zumba (as long as weather cooperates)
    break bad habits (drinking full calorie soda in excess, eating TONS of junk food, eating TONS of food- period. LOL)

    what keeps me going?
    the scale going down, but even more important - how i feel and BUYING SMALLER CLOTHES!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Pre-log your day and exercise more, if I need more calories.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I eat pretty much the same breakfast every day...

    Lunch is leftovers from dinner the night before, so I already know what those calories will be.

    So all I need to do is decide what to have for dinner within the calories I have left. The only times I really go over is if I go out to eat. Eating at home, which is most of the time, I'm right within my range.

    Sometimes Im way below, which means I get to decide what to have for dessert =D
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I can't exercise right now. I find it easier to eat very little in the morning, so that, when I get tired later in the day and my willpower is shot, I have a larger buffer to protect myself from going over my daily limit. I also aim for two pounds of weight loss per week, so that I'll still lose weight if I happen to go over my limit by a little.
  • sarashahgholami
    I stick to staying strict for 6 days out of the week, and give myself one additional day to eat up to 500 calories over my normal daily goal. This works wonders for me.
  • nesian_twin
    nesian_twin Posts: 198
    Thank you everyone! These messages are very helpful to me and your stories, opinions are interesting and inspiring. Thank you so much and rabbit I think I will try your plan with bits and pieces of ideas / suggestions from the others.