SIGH. Ok, I am fed up. I weighed myself i have gained half a stone! My face is horrible, i now have a double chin! I have every day...
Breakfast. 1bowl of gluten free cereal with soya milk
One mug of decaf coffee with unsweetened soya milk
Lunch; One bowl of gluten free cereal with soya milk, one cup of blueberries, Watermelon and water or any fruit i have in the fridge.
Dinner, Stagg Chilli, one bowl of gluten free cereal with soya milk, water, melon, 5 slices of ham.
I eat this every day, I know i don't eat hot meals and have a craving for gluten free cereal. I prefer cold meats and salad or Chilli for dinner .
Can anyone see why i am gaining? I am eating 1200 cals a day. I drink glasses of water.I am very sick so i can not do much exercise.
I can't understand why i have gained weight.I have had blood tests due to this and all are ok.
Anyone else having similar problem?


  • honeybee_kisses
    honeybee_kisses Posts: 172 Member
    It doesn't matter what you're eating but how much. Are you weighing EVERYTHING and logging it correctly? And in what time frame have you gained half a stone?
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Are you weighing the cereal? It's amazing what a small amount 30g of cereal is (usually the recommended serving size). Also, are you measuring the milk? A big bowl of cereal with milk can easily be 300+ calories, and if you're having 3 a day....

    What's Stagg chilli?
  • honeybee_kisses
    honeybee_kisses Posts: 172 Member
    Are you weighing the cereal? It's amazing what a small amount 30g of cereal is (usually the recommended serving size). Also, are you measuring the milk? A big bowl of cereal with milk can easily be 300+ calories, and if you're having 3 a day....

    What's Stagg chilli?

    I was thinking the same about the cereal. I don't bother with it anymore as 30g is less than my toddlers would eat! And any more than that is usually too many calories
  • longandpink
    longandpink Posts: 77 Member
    I weigh 50g cereal and 250mls milk. stagg chill is a tin of authentic chilli.
    My carb intake WAS 150g a day, i have lowered it to 50g a day. Could the carb intake have been the weight gain? The weight came on within 4 weeks. =/
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    I think the only way to be sure is to put all your details correctly into the food diary (age sex height weight etc.) and log religiously for 7 days straight. Only then can you be 100% sure you are in a deficit.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Are you weighing the cereal? It's amazing what a small amount 30g of cereal is (usually the recommended serving size). Also, are you measuring the milk? A big bowl of cereal with milk can easily be 300+ calories, and if you're having 3 a day....

    What's Stagg chilli?

    I was thinking the same about the cereal. I don't bother with it anymore as 30g is less than my toddlers would eat! And any more than that is usually too many calories

    Yep, snap. I eat eggs for breakfast. My 5 year old easily eats 2 weetabix and is still sometimes hungry after, so I'm sure I'd be too.

    If you like chilli so much maybe make your own? If it's from a tin chances are it has lots of sodium which can cause water retention. Not sure that would account for 7lbs though.

    You say you're sick and can't exercise? What's wrong? Could the weight gain be attributed to that?
  • honeybee_kisses
    honeybee_kisses Posts: 172 Member
    I agree the sodium in tinned chilli might be a problem. I wouldn't have thought its carbs but some people swear by cutting down. Try making your own chilli or better still cooking a few other meals that you like as you say you're having the same thing every day. Are you taking medication for your illness? Sometimes weight gain can be a side effect.
  • pope705
    pope705 Posts: 109 Member
    25g carbs (218cals)+11g(110cals) for cereal and milk, 36g (328) 3 times a day is 108g. 1 can of Stagg chili is listed as 2 cups in counter or 50g (440 cals). So per day just in cereal, milk and chili you are looking at 158g of carbs and 1424 calories. Plus the fruit you have at lunch (blueberries, 1 cup, 21g and 83 cals) you are at a minimum of 179g of carbs and 1500 calories. Not including the milk in your coffee.
    Have you figured out your calories, based on your TDEE? Maybe this is not enough. Maybe it is the sodium. Canned foods tend to have lots of sodium. I'm not saying it's the carbs, but it could be. I will say there is not a whole lot of protein in you diet.
    Is there a reason you are doing gluten free cereal or is it a taste issue?
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    Your logging is inconsistent at best. I looked back for about a week and didn't see the 5 slices of ham anywhere. I think it's likely that you are eating more calories than you think.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    edited March 2015
    You have to get a food scale and start weighing things in grams if you want to be accurate with your calorie count. From what you describe it is not accurate.
  • lilycabrera543
    lilycabrera543 Posts: 1 Member

    FYI: Soy milk is estrogenic and can disrupt your hormonal balance leading to weight gain. You might want to consult a physician.
  • longandpink
    longandpink Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice and the help. I have looked into it and i have found out some shocking and interesting changes i need to make.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member

    FYI: Soy milk is estrogenic and can disrupt your hormonal balance leading to weight gain. You might want to consult a physician.

    That source seems extraordinary flimsy. Do you have any research that actually supports your claim that soy consumption - - even with a calorie deficit - - leads to weight gain?
  • ecleggin
    ecleggin Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice and the help. I have looked into it and i have found out some shocking and interesting changes i need to make.

  • ecleggin
    ecleggin Posts: 3 Member
    I'm having similar issues. Would u mind sharing what u have learned?