New to MyFitness pal 30yr old Female

fredgreenm16 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself

My I'm 30 yrs old and am about 30 or so lbs overweight. I am trying to get a workout group going with my friends and my mother. I have Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus, EA Sports Active, EA Sports Active 2, Your Shape, Active Life: Outdoor Challenge and Wii Sports. I will be signing up for the YMCA and I hope to have a bike soon. I live by a walking/biking park but I don't get much exercise because I hurt my back really bad and most things are a bit painful. I'm hoping to be doing Yoga and Water Aerobics at the Y to help my back. I have everything I need to loose weight.... except the motivation and energy to do it. =) ..... I'm also hoping to get pregnant with in the year and would really like to be healthy and fix my back issue before it happens.

As for food.. I don't have access to very healthy foods. I don't know how to make fruits and veggies taste good and my bf is a twig with a junk food habit (of course since he doesn't eat much, it's left for me to drool over). I try eating Whole Grains, Products made with Olive Oil (butter, peanut butter, mayo..) and I try to put tomatoes, onions, garlic and other herbs in foods if I can.

Thanks for reading my ramblings. =)


  • TakuraHunt
    TakuraHunt Posts: 208
    I know what you mean about needing to find motivation and energy. I usually start out with all the motivation and determination in the world, and somewhere along the line I lose it... I am hoping and praying this time will be different. Maybe we will be able to motivate each other.
  • kelliboettcher
    kelliboettcher Posts: 3 Member
    I am right with you! I am 30 and new to myfitnesspal. A friend introduced me to it. I have been on weightwatchers online on and off for a coupld of years. It worked right away when I followed it but then I lost the motivation to follow that too. I work a typical 8-5 job, I am single and so many times, during the week, I either go out with friends for dinner or come home and want to eat everything in sight! I know that I eat out of boredom many times, especially at night. I will do fine all day long because I am at work and surrounded by people, but then I get home and all bets are off. Right now, for example, I had grilled chicken on a bed of lettuce with fat free dressing for dinner. Sounds decent, right? Well, now I want ice cream and I am wondering where I can go to get some! I know I am pretty much done with protein and fat for the day so I have to distract myself until bedtime. Ugh!!! Any tips and advice would be great!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    :smile: Welcome, I just turned 31 and have 30lbs to lose also. I have found there are a ton of alternatives to the not-so-healthy foods i've been eating. Have you ever tried ground turkey? I love it, it subs well for beef or sausage in some cases... It has a lighter texture to it but it really does work well. As for veggies... I'm still working on that. I'm a dipper so I have to find a low cal dip... I've been told about a jalapeno yogurt dip that i'm definately gonna try. has a whole section of low calorie dishes (appetizers, main dishes, and side dishes) that are really great. You should check it out. If you need some extra support you can send me a friend request. Good luck
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I am right with you! I am 30 and new to myfitnesspal. A friend introduced me to it. I have been on weightwatchers online on and off for a coupld of years. It worked right away when I followed it but then I lost the motivation to follow that too. I work a typical 8-5 job, I am single and so many times, during the week, I either go out with friends for dinner or come home and want to eat everything in sight! I know that I eat out of boredom many times, especially at night. I will do fine all day long because I am at work and surrounded by people, but then I get home and all bets are off. Right now, for example, I had grilled chicken on a bed of lettuce with fat free dressing for dinner. Sounds decent, right? Well, now I want ice cream and I am wondering where I can go to get some! I know I am pretty much done with protein and fat for the day so I have to distract myself until bedtime. Ugh!!! Any tips and advice would be great!
    You need to take your mind off being bored.. go for a walk, exercise, clean. I know that's the last thing you wanna do when you get off work but if your eating outta boredome then thats what you have to do. I do the same thing. You could find something like popcorn (no or light butter) and munch on that. It's low calorie,,, not much for nutritional value but it's something to trick yourself into thinking your getting a treat. Oh and gum!! Get some of that delicious dessert gum that they advertise on Biggest Loser... Extra! It is really good and satisfies also! Good Luck :smile:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    All of you guys should keep an eye out for games in these threads. I just joined one call Fit -n- Trim Challenge and it is awesome! Not only do you have motivation, you get support from your team. It has got me logging in daily, watching calories more closely, exercising more often, and asking more questions in regards to what I need to do to lose bigger numbers. I lost 2lbs this week because of this game. Before I started it I was lucky to lose .5lb!
  • kellyakels
    kellyakels Posts: 2
    I just started about 2 weeks ago..very strict on my calories and work out for 45 min 5 days a week yet I have only lost one pound! So frustrated. Anyone else having a slow start?
  • CTco89
    CTco89 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all! I too am new to my fitness Pal and I LOVE IT!! I have been working out off and on for a couple years now. I havent really lost much weight but I have lost inches. I will be 40 next month and desperately want to be in better shape. I was told that I am considered obese BMI wise by my doctor. Sadly, at 5'2", 156 lbs is unhealthy. I dont agree because I do carry a lot of muscle, but shes the one with the chart and the degree so I joined weight watchers. Lol. Seriously, i am looking forward to having a support system and I hope to reach MY goal weight of 140 lbs. :smile:
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