i need support!!

Hello I am 27 yrs old. I am currently in need of loosing 100 lbs but I need some support.. Please let me know!!


  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    Add me up! I update everyday. It can help you get motivated.
  • Sunshine48205
    Sunshine48205 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello, I'm 22 and have 80lbs to lose. I'll add you so we can motivate each other on our journey :smile:
  • Noonoo91
    Noonoo91 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey, I'm 24 and need to lose 2st I will add you and we can help motivate each other
  • SamanthasFitnessLog
    SamanthasFitnessLog Posts: 56 Member
    Send me a request for an active buddy! F/22/5'3 15 more lbs to go out of ~35! :)
  • candacecollinsfinley
    candacecollinsfinley Posts: 114 Member
    I'd love to support you!
  • akyodreanh
    akyodreanh Posts: 20 Member
    I also have 100 lbs to lose. A little over that. But support is needed! I log daily and my diary is open :) Feel free to add me!
  • FemaleWarriorxo
    FemaleWarriorxo Posts: 222 Member
    In the same journey with Ya. Add me and I'll help you out :D
  • Losing weight is really hard... Yet exciting..... But don't lose yourself in the journey... I still have a ways to go.....I have lost 75 # since last year but had severe medical problems because of how fast it came off.... Stay focused and strong and have support.... Keep a smile !!!!
    Hello I am 27 yrs old. I am currently in need of loosing 100 lbs but I need some support.. Please let me know!!

  • zomarose
    zomarose Posts: 9 Member
    Yay! Welcome to MFP. Stay positive!
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    God damn, you're gorgeous! o:
    Anyways! I'm also on the journey of losing 100 lbs so feel free to add me and message me. c:
    I believe you can do it and so should you! :DD If you want a friend who's on here every day then go ahead and add me and you're able to message me at anytime.
  • glenno17
    glenno17 Posts: 7 Member
    I will support ya buddy you can never have enough support
  • Hey there! Add me for sure! I'm on the tail end of my 100 pound weight loss! I still struggle almost daily despit my hardest efforts to live a clean lifestyle. I'll help and I post every day!
  • trailrunner81
    trailrunner81 Posts: 227 Member
    Feel free to add me, ive used this site to lose 60 pounds and ive been keeping it off with the help and support of this community.
  • Posting for the first time, but my second round using the program. The first round I lost 25 pounds of 60 I was trying to lose. Then my husband had emergency eye surgery in August. Just as he was healing I took on caring for someone I loved very much and they sadly after 2 months they passed away in December. The holidays and a new puppy kept me busy as I grieved. They kept me from eating everything in sight. Now I need to refocus and try to get healthy. I need to take care of myself. I gained 10 of the 25 I had lost back, but now I still have 45 still to lose. I'm hoping the community will be a big help.
  • MattX390
    MattX390 Posts: 3
    100 lb? seriously?
  • ashleyrwalkner
    ashleyrwalkner Posts: 4 Member
    I need to lose about 75 more lbs myself! I found out I have PCOS so I'm finally on medication to help get my body in line! I'm on a low carb diet & exercise 4-5 times a week. I'm a RN & work 3 12 hr shifts so I exercise around those days. Take it one pound at a time & every pound is a VICTORY! Give yourself cheat nights & don't get discouraged. As a cardiac nurse my best advice is even if you don't lose on a scale- eating healthy & exercising is so good for your heart health & prevention of so many diseases. :smile: Add me if you'd like!! Good luck!!
  • You can add me! I'll motivate ya!