Breakfast - not feeling full?

I'm struggling with staying satisfied after eating breakfast. Usually I'll have 2 scrambled eggs and a bowl of Kashi with blueberries or I might have a bowl of oatmeal with almonds. About 90 minutes after eating I'm starving again. Not sure of what to change with breakfast or maybe I just need a snack? I also drink about 16oz of water first thing in the morning too.


  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    edited March 2015
    Cut out the cereal or oatmeal and add some fat, like bacon or sausage. The nuts are fine, blueberries probably ok if you aren't eating a ton of them.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    Did you used to feel full after breakfast? What were your breakfasts like, if so?

    I do second the suggestion to replace some of the carbs with fat. You could fry up some veggies with 1 tbls oil, using things like herbs, spices, onion or leek, garlic for flavour. Would go great with egg.
  • kateymorse
    kateymorse Posts: 10 Member
    I don't think I've ever felt full after a normal eat at home breakfast... So I'll try adding in some fat. I just have a handful of berries on my cereal so not a huge amount by any means. Thanks for the suggestions!
  • jordie1129
    I've always had issues with feeling full after breakfast. Today though I was totally satisfied after having two eggs, tomatoes, and peppers and onions cooked with coconut oil. Amazing! I second the fat idea.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    Some cheese on your eggs would taste awesome and add some fat.
  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    I'm a big proponent of the second breakfast. I'm full when I finish breakfast, but I'm usually on the prowl for more food within a couple of hours.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    kateymorse wrote: »
    I'm struggling with staying satisfied after eating breakfast. Usually I'll have 2 scrambled eggs and a bowl of Kashi with blueberries or I might have a bowl of oatmeal with almonds. About 90 minutes after eating I'm starving again. Not sure of what to change with breakfast or maybe I just need a snack? I also drink about 16oz of water first thing in the morning too.
    Dump the krashi, and oats. Very little value.

    Replace with something that includes protein and fat if satiety is something you desire.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    oh and sometimes, you just gotta eat more.