
ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Is your spouse supportive of your weight loss? Has he/she joined you in an effort to lose weight themselves?

For those of you whose spouse is not supportive, how do you handle it?


  • oreyna49
    oreyna49 Posts: 152
    My journey began when my wife was about to be 7 months into her pregnancy...her MD diagnosed her with gestational diabetes and recommended she watched what she ate. I told her that we would do it together as a lifestyle change and I was in desperate need to lose some weight and get healthier. As usual...I tend to be a bit extreeme, so i've really been super motivated. My wife lost five pounds and her sugars have been excellent. The prenancy is coming along great and the baby is developing as he is supposed to be. Weight loss is so much better when you and your spouse are commited to make the changes together. Temptation of having junk food and other unhealthy food around can easily derail your nutritional plans. Especially when you are just starting. It's like giving candy to a baby....100% of the time they are gonna take the candy. Once you have been on this path for a while...it becomes easier. I truely know this would be much more challenging if I was doing it alone.
  • Last_15
    Last_15 Posts: 129
    My husband has been and still is very supportive. He likes how much happier I am the more weight I lose :)

    As long as I still get him a few treats a week, he is happy to eat the healthier foods with me, we are both getting older and realize it's time to start taking better care of ourselves.

    The only time he was not supportive was when I was over obsessing over every calorie and under eating to the point of constantly being sick!
  • TiffyC828
    TiffyC828 Posts: 80 Member
    Since Feb, I've been watching what I eat. Cooking healthier meals for the family etc. and last month started with this site and counting calories and working out myself....and about 2 months ago my husband starting talking about doing P90X and lifting weights. He is into watching the MMA fighting and works with someone who does local fights on the weekends and talked about trying it out after he built some muscle. As a good wife, I bought the dvds, a weight set, a TV for our basement, an elliptical (for me), and a wii. For about a month now, I am the only one the uses the equipment (minus the dvds, i'm not quite ready to use them yet..but will be eventually).

    My husband lasted exactly 2 weeks. Granted I cook the meals, and do the grocery shopping, so atleast he is eating a bit better at times. Sometimes though, it gets frustrating because I will buy, say a bag of chips. I will still eat some things like that, but I literally count the servings out, and that is all I eat (or less of it). He will down an entire bag of chips while watching tv...its very frustrating for me because I feel like I get no support from him anymore. When he starts his eating 'binge' I take that time to put in some extra time on the elliptical. I just wish I could get him to do the same.

    I've told him I worry because of his weight and unhealthy habits (smoking, not being active), that he will have a heart attack! He just ignores it..*sigh* Hopefully one day, he will pick up on my healthier choices and he too will start over again!
  • lexiwho
    lexiwho Posts: 178 Member
    My fiance is extremely supportive of me and the work I put into my weight loss. He's trying to lose weigh too but not really putting as much effort as me. I cook all of our meals and he's constantly complimenting me on them so it encourages me to continue making healthy food choices. Whenever I work out, he times me and gives me a high five when I'm done. He's supportive without being overbearing and always tells me he loves me and thinks I'm sexy no matter my weight.
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    My husband tells me every day how beautiful and sexy I am, when he first met me I was about 50ls lighter, gained it all in the last couple years due to health issues, but he complements my body every day . It feels better knowing that he will always like me the way I am, gives me the freedom to do this comepletely for my own reasons, wanting to feel better and healthier, rather than because I feel unsexy. I also have found I could really care less what the scale says, I just want to feel better and be in shape. He has never encouraged me to lose weight, nor discouraged me from it (tho I know he is hoping I can keep certain curves lol) but he does want me to be healthy, feel better.
  • Fidgetferguson
    Fidgetferguson Posts: 8 Member
    My husband is very supportive, however sometimes he does kind of undermine my efforts without meaning to. My biggest weakness is sweets. When we were dating he would surprise me with a box of raisinets or we would curl up on the couch together and share some ice cream. It was sweet. But now I have asked him to stop doing that stuff because I just don't have the willpower to not give in. You hand me the box of raisinets, and I WILL eat them...I may resist for an hour or two, maybe in til the next day, but at some point I will inhale them. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if it was once in awhile, but we are talking most nights. I tell him to stop, point out that it runs counter to everything I'm trying to do, he apologizes profusely, gets back on track with helping me make healthy meals and taking the kids so I can get to the gym....but after a few weeks we are back to same old same old.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My husband is supportive, but isn't the most thrilled with some of the foods I cook. It's tough to please his taste buds and my desire for lower sodium.

    But I think the ultimate compliment to my progress was when he told me he wants to start C25k. :laugh:
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    My husband is super supportive because keeping fit is something he has always done (some years more intensely than others). So he's actually a great source of information. I'm constantly pointing to some body part and asking him what it is and why it's hurting. lol He'll tell me what muscle is there and ask if I'm doing certain exercises (the answer is always yes).
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    Mine has been supportive so far... he stopped offering me food all the time because he knows I'm trying hard to resist. I think he might even join me in my weight loss one of these days!
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I've tried to answer my own question four times but I just can't seem to get it out without seeming like I'm venting about my spouse. All I mean to say is that my husband is supportive of only the exercise aspect and has no interest in talking about or participating in food logging or calorie counting. He's totally intolerant of any conversation related to weight-loss and thinks calorie counting is stupid. He's sick of hearing about calories and says I talk about it way too much.

    I guess he figures we are the same as we were 6 years ago when we could eat what we wanted because we were doing military PT every morning of the week. He doesn't seem to realize that I have had two babies since then, my body is totally different, my metabolism has slowed down (as has his), and we are not even CLOSE to being as active as we were then. We're both out of shape and overweight but I'm the only one who seems to think it's a problem.
  • swest222
    swest222 Posts: 455 Member
    I wouldnt say my spouse isnt supportive, he's just not on board or where I am.
    But that's okay, everyone does their own thing at their own pace.
    I just do my thing and if he gets on board fully great, if not that's okay too.
  • eve7166
    eve7166 Posts: 218 Member
    My husband is very supportive...he actually started to diet n exercise before me...his diet is different as he's full atkins and I'm just calorie counting but at least there's no sweets in the house so it helps...he's also very encouraging about the gym ...its fun we started our own version of biggest loser lol
  • My husband is very supportive of my journey. He weighs my foods for me and will look up serving sizes and calories. He is also my number one fan when it comes to my daily exercising. With him, my family, and MFP tracker and friends, I don't believe there is any way for me to fail!
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