The Firm Series: Circuit Training or Aerobics?

shawtsy Posts: 15 Member
I routinely do the Firm Serious of DVDs. It is a combination of cardio, plyos, and strength training segments. The strength training is generally involves constant moving of both the upper and lower bodies (ex. squats and arm curls). There is also very little rest between each session and between each move. So, would I consider this aerobics or circuit training?


  • Luvlex4
    Luvlex4 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I work out at the studio here at the Firm so I know what you are talking about, 4 limb. I am actually trying to just watch my calorie burn now, it went thru the roof today and I did not reallize after 4 yrs being a member how much I actually burned in class until today w/a HR monitor on. Yowzers! I have put it as circuit training since aerobic is just the cardio IMHO. And you for sure are using weights. But that is for my class, I am not sure about the DVD and the intensity. You could do half aerobic half circuit training. Hope this helps!
  • ekm321
    ekm321 Posts: 6
    Personally, I count it as aerobics because that way I know I am not giving myself too much credit, but I think I burn way more that I give myself credit for. But I like the half and half idea.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I do The Firm DVD's and usually count it as cardio. Especiallly the Pump, Jump and heartrate sours......I have a HR monitor, so I usually put in how many calories I burn during that workout session. It is usually over 300 calories, so I put it in as aerobics.