breastfeeding and exercise

I have been slowly going back to exercising but with the little one sometimes it's very difficult. I hear to track breastfeeding on here you should account for 500 calories. At least. Any pointers on staying hydrated? I feel like thats my big downfall with exercise and breastfeeding because it takes me a. While to get rehydrated. Thanks in advance!


  • curlyqt85
    curlyqt85 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there! I just posted seeking new mommy my fitness pal buddies
  • curlyqt85
    curlyqt85 Posts: 9 Member
    Ugh I just wrote this long reply and I only see a part of it lol. I chug a solo cup of water before and after feeding or pumping and I have a 32 oz bubba keg I refill multiple times during the day.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    How old is the baby?
    It isn't recommended to start cutting calories until your baby is at least 2 months old and your milk supply has been established.
    How many calories can depend on how old the baby is. The general recommendation is 300-500 calories. If you eat at maintainance, you should still lose weight without cutting calories. I started out that way, and later moved my calorie goal to .5lb a week.

    You can add breastfeeding under the food diary and get a negative calorie adjustment on the website. This feature is no longer available on the app now. I just built it into my daily calorie goal.

    As for staying hydrated, I would go get a glass of water everytime I nursed, even at night.