Bad Week

Feeling a bit down today, had a bad week and ended up putting on 3lbs at my weigh in, why does it get you so disheartened? I know the key is to get back on track but why does it hurt so much? I've no one to blame but myself.... I guess I'm just letting off steam.


  • tuffcreampuff12
    tuffcreampuff12 Posts: 8 Member
    I know! Me too! Bad week! Back on track! Lets do it, we can do it. New day new week! ☺
  • CaptainCatSparrow
    Exactly, loosing weight isn't easy but back on track now!
  • kellis129
    kellis129 Posts: 2 Member
    Bad weeks happen, but don't let it ruin your progress. Think about all the reasons you want to lose weight and use those reasons to motivate yourself.
  • CaptainCatSparrow
    Definitely the end goal is to look good and feel great and there's gonna be bad and good days xx
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    It's probably mostly water retention. Drink more, eat better, it'll go.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Part of your job is to make sure you are there at the end and cross the finish line. to do that you need to take care of your mental well bing, so when set backs happen you need to take it in your strude, learn from it and move on. You can fluctuate 1-4lbs and maybe more, so you dont know whether the weight you put on was due to calories or just water weight. Did you eat an extra 10,000 calories? if not its likely to be water. considering your large traget, then you cna lose much larger amounts than people closer to goal. If you ate way over your calorie amount still log it so you understand how much you are consuming. Logging fully and accurately is soemthing you need to master.
  • Ginaaa71
    Ginaaa71 Posts: 61 Member
    I had a bad day yesterday so I know how you feel. This is my plan for today: get up and get moving. I have two sick kids and because I was so busy with taking care of them I skipped lunch. That left me starving for dinner and then late night snack. Today I had a larger breakfast because I'm pretty sure I won't be able to have lunch again as I'm the only one here to take care of both boys. My advice to you is find your inner Elsa and let it go, Frozen style, and get out and do something fun to burn calories. It will help raise your spirits
  • tinascar2015
    tinascar2015 Posts: 413 Member
    I know. I had a mediocre week and then a bad week, and I put on 2.5 pounds. I knew I was on trouble's doorstep when I hesitated weighing myself. But I did, and yes, I was up. That was motivation, but it wasn't nearly as motivating as losing all I had gained plus another 2.5 pounds in the last ten days. I am not letting myself feel defeated if I stumble a bit off the wagon. I learned this from two family members who overcame addictions to alcohol. It really is one day at a time, and each day holds a promise.