To have Lap Band or not????



  • Chasy21
    Chasy21 Posts: 19
    My mom had gastric, and she told me that I should me my last resort. She lost alot of weight and has keep most of it off. She does not really have a appitiate and is always aware of what she eats. She looks great and loves the way she looks
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    I realize lap band is reversible and different than the bypass surgeries, so I can't speak to lap band specifically. But I can speak to what happens with a bypass surgery, and it has many negative side effects, some of which people never realize before they get it. Most are not aware of the fact that different sections of our intestinal tract are the only areas on the intestines able to absorb different vitamins and nutrients. So when you cut a section or sections out to do the bypass, your body LOSES it's ability to absorb those vital nutrients entirely. This can have extremely severe consequences.
    I'll give just one example - thiamine. When you get too low on thiamine (which can also happen from excessive drinking when paired with not eating much/well, such as in alcoholics), you get something called Wernicke's or Wernicke-Korsokoff's Syndrome. Check it out online, it includes peripheral nerve damage (extremely painful and not responsive to normal pain medications) and dementia. Surgery should only be used when every other attempt has been made to avoid it AND if you will surely die without it anyway (due to having extensive other health issues that need to be solved by losing weight).
  • lreedcm
    lreedcm Posts: 5
    I had gastric bypass surgery 3 months ago and so far haven't had any problems. I work with over 25 people who have had some form of weight loss surgery. Of the 25 people none of them have had the lap band so I can't speak of the good or bad on it.. We did have 1 person have the sleeve and she had problems only because she thought she could eat and drink what she wanted right after surgery, which you can't do.

    In reading the comments before me I find it very interesting how everyone is against the surgery and stating you are able to lose the weight by changing the way you eat and exercise. I have watch what I have ate and exercised for years, but was not able to loose the weight I needed too. Sometimes your body just won't let you complete that goal.

    Since I work with over 25 people who have had the surgery, I do agree with the statements about the smells of the restroom, but it all depends on what you put into your body that causes those smells. As for the nutritional intake of food. Yes, you do have struggles with that. I have to take a multivitiam, calcuim and B12 on a daily basis, but these are all items that a person would need to take normally.

    I am not saying that you should have the surgery as it was a decision I struggled with over 4 years. Once I made the decision to have the surgery I was scared all the way up to the surgery time. I broke down several times before the surgery asking myself did I make the right decision. I started out at 326 lbs and I am now down to 244 lbs. I lost about 35 lbs prior and have lost the remaining since my surgery. So far my decision has been the best decision I have made in my life.

    I just want you to know there are people on your side with the surgery. I wish you the best in making your decision. If you have any additional questions I would be happen to answer them for you. Just make me a friend.
  • kareterra
    kareterra Posts: 8
    NO NO NO NO NO. I have one - got it about 3 years ago. Think about this - when you eat something that doesn't agree with your band, you throw up. Not when you've finished your meal but two or three times DURING the meal. I got to the point that I kept a cup close by and could throw up without anyone realizing it. What do you throw up? Just about everything that might be considered healthy - vegetables, fruit, cereal, meat, bread, rice, fruit, yogurt, even milk. So then what do you eat? I could eat oatmeal, chips, candy, nuts, ice cream - and i felt like I deserved to be eating this stuff because I had to eat SOMETHING. I ate a candy bar every day because I would get so hungry. I know three other people with a band and they've had the same results. One person actually lost some weight, but she's got to keep her cup by her side. not worth it. Last summer I had issues with my band and had to have it opened all the way up. I can now eat healthy again - and have never appreciated vegetables more than I do now. I've lost 54 lb since I had my band opened up just by eating right and exercising. There IS a better way.