Am I too old and out of shape to do C25K?

micki59 Posts: 25
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi there! I'm 51 and NEVER been athletic AT ALL. Used to smoke (quit this time for 7 yrs) and knees are not happy w/current weight.. I was getting foot cramps on the treadmill but usually am OK on elliptical but I did buy what I think are decent running shoes (Mizuno) and a sports bra today. I plan to start tomorrow. Sounds like it is possible but I am scared of injuring myself as I am my sole supporter. I am looking to shed some pounds in addition to my gym work outs 3X/wk. Any feedback, suggestions? Be kind, I am sensitive :flowerforyou:


  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    No! This program was designed for people who are at a 0 fitness level! Good Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • Congrats on starting a program! You are never too old to start running! I started with the C25K and the best advice I can give is take it slooooowwwwww. Especially if you are starting with a background of no activity. And don't give up. Remember you can progress as fast/slow as you need to. Good luck!!!
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    I don't know. My humble advice, take it slow and listen to your body.

    I still need to lose 99 lbs. I tried jogging the other day for a bit and I just hit the ground too hard. Will try again after I lose a few more pounds.
  • travishein
    travishein Posts: 78
    I remember when i first started running or even walking on treadmill I would get sore knees legs, feets. I didn't like swimming. still dont. but gettng into the deep end of the pool and doing flooder board kicking swiming, like holding onto those kiddie blue floatie things or what ever things they have in the toys kids sections with your arms. and just kicking yourself forward with feet. its slow, kind of silly, but that seemed to help get my strength up in my knees enough to stand walking. im sure there are probably real exercises or classes too that can be done in water or reduced impact like that for training, but i found the independent thing worked well for my crazy schedule.

    oh sorry, for your question, NO, you are not too old. Yes, you can do it. !!
  • searbear1980
    searbear1980 Posts: 110
    I think you can do this! I am going to start at the beginning of June! We can motivate each other
  • jesster64
    jesster64 Posts: 109
    I'm 46 and weighed 200 pounds 6 months ago. Lifelong couch potato. I started eating right , doing weights, and running. Looking to complete first 5k in june. You hear the phrase if I can do it anyone can. Its true. I started on treadmill and worked my way up. Oh yeah, may 2009, I had surgery on my foot and developed severe gout. I was paralyzed with pain and didn't get off the couch for 2 weeks. like i said, If I could do it , anyone can. slow and steady, its a marathon not a sprint.
  • Am I too old and out of shape to do C25K?

    Hi there! [...] :flowerforyou:


    next question!
  • dorcry
    dorcry Posts: 10
    Dear friend,
    Because you are just starting to work out be gentle to your body. You will need to gradually start incorporating new exercises let the body build some muscle and add more. Don't hurt yourself. I made that mistake. My knees hate me. I am over weight no muscle around my knees and I decided to sign up for kick boxing. Its been a painful 8 weeks of training and my knees are in bad shape. Went to doc and he said lady you need two months of physical therapy first to build some muscle. well its too late so I just started incorporating kettle bell weight training once a week. As soon as my body recovers from soreness after two days instead of four I will add another work out to my regimine. Good luck. I just started NO SUGAR, NO DAIRY, NO GRAIN. Well well well let me tell ya, first day and I am feeling groggy...Talk to you soon and good luck.
  • micki59:

    C25K is a great tool! I started using it this spring too. I've never been able to run comfortably before due to excessive weight.

    I recommend Brooks running shoes; they offer great stability and are very light weight. (something for your next purchase if you like the jogging---if you have a DSW in your town, go there! I found my Brook's on sale and got them for a steal!)
    As for sports bras, if you're well endowed, look for bra's w/ under wire support that fit your regular bra size. If you have a ****'s sporting goods near you, they have some there made by Champion that offer great compression, have amazing under wire support and clasp in the back w/ a 2 hook closure like a bra does. If you find that you're still bouncing, you might need a smaller bra. :smile:
    You could also look at Target for similar bra's (also cheaper). I tend to shy away from those w/ soft cups and not as much compression for running; being a lady w/ ample real estate up top, I don't like to bounce, it hurts and it's bad for your back. Ouchie!! Treat the girls well!!!

    Best of luck to you! :happy:
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    You could do it! Just take it slow... if you have to, do each week of the program 2 or 3 times until you're comfortable enough to move up to the next level. A lot of people have succeeded with the program and you can too!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I think a lot of us got where we were because we kept making excuses for ourselves. You can do this, BUT listen to your body. Go slow, but keep moving! You CAN do this.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I don't think you're too old or out of shape! One of my friends is in her early 50s, used to be a 2pack a day smoker, and was 30 pounds overweight. She started training for a half marathon last fall and she inspired me to get back into shape! I was never into running even when I was younger and skinny...but now I am beginning to LOVE it...

    I'm 41 and am doing a variation on the C25k...I'm always looking for newbie runners like me to befriend and support, so feel free to add me.

    My advice: start with short intervals of alternating walking and running (or just start with brisk walking if you haven't done anything fitness-wise in a while), go slow, stretch really well afterwards, don't run more than 3 days a week at first...and walk more than you run :)
    Ellen aka photogrrl
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    Definitely take it slow... I would start with walking 4 times a week for 20 minutes & gradually increase your time & speed but not at the same time. Work up to a longer duration & then increase your pace slightly. Keep adjusting as you are ready, but for your age & exercise experience, to err on the side of caution is better than to do to much to fast & end up hurt! Your knees will give you some grief, make sure you understand the difference between them feeling uncomfortable (from doing exercise that they aren't used to) & pain...if you are unsure between the two, consult a doc or physiotherapist.
    The easiest exercise for your joints would be swimming... So if the walking is bothering you, please find an aquafit class in order to condition your joints.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    You should be fine! I am doing a modified version of c25K and am pretty out of shape and I still smoke. I would just say if you struggle do some of the weeks twice instead of moving on to the next week. Just do it at a pace that you are comfortable with and if you have to go a little slower don't worry about it :smile:
  • thomalr6180
    thomalr6180 Posts: 94 Member
    I agree with what others are saying . . . never too old!

    I use the Couch to 10k app. I hadn't ran in years. I am participating in a 10k at the end of this month. You can do it.!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Your never too old.
    I think you should plan a route that you will walk/jog, and first few times, walk it, perhaps start walking fast.

    When you feel comfortable, jog for 10, 20, 30 secs, then walk again.
    I started this last year as a smoker, I walked my route a few times before I felt comfortable enough to jog even for 10 secs.

    This year, it's been 3 months since I quit smoking, and I continued C25k and now on week 6.
  • 1FitMom326
    1FitMom326 Posts: 228
    Definitely not too old or too out of shape for this. It starts out slow. There is no rule that says that you have to increase each week. If you feel like you are struggling one week it's ok to repeat it. I think you will really like it and it's so much fun to see the progress each week.

    Good luck.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm 45 (will be 46 in 2 weeks) and weighed 197 when I started (I'm now 192ish). I've since moved over to c210k (which is the same idea - couch to 10k). While it's shooting for a 10k, it's a less aggressive (initially) program. The runs are shorter, the walking/recovery is longer, but the workout is twice as long.

    Keep in mind, you may have to repeat weeks. I've been repeating week 5 for a couple of weeks now while I build up outside endurance (I had been doing it on a treadmill). Even though it's a 9 week (13 weeks for c210k), no one says you HAVE to complete it in that amount of time.

    Also keep in mind that there's no certain speed you have to run. On the treadmill, I was running at 3.7 - 3.8. There was a 70 year old woman WALKING on the treadmill next to me that was going faster! :laugh: It's o.k. - work on form (you may want to google proper running form and watch some you tube videos), work on endurance... speed will come later (MUCH later).

    I'm not yet (by any means) a good runner - but, whereas I could'nt even make it HALF way through Week 1 day 1 (run 60 seconds, walk 90 seconds) - I can now run 2:30 walk 2:30 THIRTEEN times (a 68 minute workout... without stopping!) I've still got a ways to go to get to my 10k, but I'll get there.

    You can too!

    **edited to add - make sure to take a day off in between runs. Even if your heart and lung can handle it, you joints (muscles, tendons, bones) need to heal and strengthen.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I wanted to add one more thing -

    Go get fitted for good running shoes. don't rely on what someone else likes. Our running strides are all different and what works for one person won't necessarily work for another. Go to a RUNNING store - one that knows running strides, can look at yours and pick out EXACTLY what you need.

    Good shoes will make ALL the difference!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Not too old. You are the same age I am.

    I quit smoking and drinking in January and lost about 25 lbs. I started running again and now run 5 to 7 miles every day.

    Just start out slow and let your fitness increase at its own pace and you will soon be able to do more than you could ever do before.
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