Hi! New to the forums and new-ish to MFP

Hi everyone, my name is Leah and I found this app because a group of friends and I are sick of being overweight and we decided to start a life style change by making it into a competition.

What can I say, I'm a 25 year old married student living in Canada, who has working desk jobs and I've always felt pretty uncomfortable with my body. But since I've started this competition, I've become 100X more active and even if its just slightly better, I feel more comfortable. But not comfortable enough to give up!

So I'm posting here because sometimes I feel like my friends have given up, and they aren't the best influencers. And I am hoping to find a better support group here.

My husband is a great supporter but hes been losing a ton of weight very easily and I'm definitely losing weight a whole lot slower.

Sorry that was so long.

- Leah


  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome!! There's a lot of great information and support here! Feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • Shandke
    Shandke Posts: 116 Member
    Welcome to the club.....there is definitely good support here and from total strangers is kind of cool! I know what you mean watching MEN skip one meal and lose 5 pounds!! It's just not fair..!! Good luck on your journey! Feel free to add me as a friend if you like!
  • Wilshinault
    Wilshinault Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Leah,

    A group of my friends started a competition as well, and it seems that everyone is losing at a different rate. I have two roommates and they are in the competition with me but they are not as dedicated to the loss as I am. It makes it hard at times but even if i only lose 1 lb per week i know that resisting temptation was worth it. I still go out with my friends i just make smarter choices.
  • StudentLeah
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!