Calories are set to 1550 but I only cossume about 1000 per day



  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    chdmama wrote: »

    Looks like you could use a nutritional drink since you aren't eating much at all. Or don't like eating.
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    chdmama wrote: »
    I'm 26 , 5'4" and 156lbs now ... I was down to 140 but packed on weight like crazy the past couple months because I didn't pay attention to anything I eat and slacked off at the gym . I'm kinda offended that people think I'm starving my body . I eat every 2 hours , I just choose to eat and apple instead of a cookie . I only drink water and I work out a hour a day (or to be fair 5-6 days a week) . I was always a small person but have gone through some pretty tough things in the past couple years and kinda let my self go ... I'm eating way more now then I was even when I was gaining a bunch of weight

    So you're not logging your food properly?
  • blossomingbutterfly
    blossomingbutterfly Posts: 743 Member
    Seems like everyone has given you some pretty solid advice here. Eat more. Drink a cup of milk even. Give your body the nutrients it needs.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Food scale. Should probably buy one.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    OP to get a true calorie count try using a food scale instead of measuring cups and going off what the package says

  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    there is nothing to be offended about. people are giving u concrete answers saying what your doing is not healthy long term. u could be losing muscle mass. when u lower your calories so drastically u are going to lower your metabolism. which means u will still lose, but not at the rate u should be, and u may struggle to get it going at the proper rate again. losing alittle bit more slowly means your far more likely to keep it off
  • MarkItZero
    MarkItZero Posts: 4 Member
    One important thing to know that runs counter to conventional thinking... many people believe that if you have a very low caloric intake, that it hurts your metabolism. Speaking in general terms, that is a myth. So, at least you have that going for you. :)

    The most practical danger of an intake of ~1,000 calories is whether or not you are consuming enough protein to prevent muscle loss. Rather than give you a target, I'll refer you to this excellent Q&A:

    Circling back to your original question: "but I'm not hungry and I don't feel like I should be eating more cals just cause MFP says so lol but I don't want to be causing any harm by not eating enough ?" -- there's a lot to that question, but other than the protein aspect already mentioned, the other thing to be careful of is the effect of running a large calorie deficit AND performing a lot of cardio activity. Again, rather than me explaining the harmful effects of this, you'd be much better off reading the link below:

    Overall, the only other thing I have to say is congratulations, because 1,000 calories is hard as hell to do for most of us. Keep on learning more about nutrition and keep up the good work!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Don't become one more anecdote about losing your hair, feeling fatigued, etc. Especially if you're exercising, you should consume at least a couple hundred more calories even though you don't feel like it
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    edited March 2015
    MFP tells me 4186kj is the minimum for women, which is slightly less than 1000cal if I am converting that right. Not 1200cal like you guys say?

    I'm 4'11" and some days 1000cal is enough. Other days I eat more. I ALWAYS eat more if I exercise.

    Protein needs are always met which is very important to me. I'm an obese individual doing the low carb thing.
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    minties82 wrote: »
    MFP tells me 4186kj is the minimum for women, which is slightly less than 1000cal if I am converting that right. Not 1200cal like you guys say?

    I'm 4'11" and some days 1000cal is enough. Other days I eat more. I ALWAYS eat more if I exercise.

    Protein needs are always met which is very important to me. I'm an obese individual doing the low carb thing.

    I don't know where you see that. But says 1200 right here:
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Nut butters, avocados, meat, nuts.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    edited March 2015
    I see it here:


    I am the height of a child so would presume to be at the lower end of that reccomendedation.

    The app gives me the 5 week predicted weight forecast for eating 4186kj which is under 1000cal.

    I'm not saying that I reccomended anyone to eat that low, but I have the odd day where It happens.
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited March 2015

    Thanks. It looks like MFP skrewed their conversion up. Here is the National Institute of Health's actual recommendation.

    "To lose weight, most people need to reduce the number of calories they get from food and beverages (energy IN) and increase their physical activity (energy OUT).
    For a weight loss of 1–1 ½ pounds per week, daily intake should be reduced by 500 to 750 calories.

    In general:
    Eating plans that contain 1,200–1,500 calories each day will help most women lose weight safely.

    Eating plans that contain 1,500–1,800 calories each day are suitable for men and for women who weigh more or who exercise regularly.

    Very low calorie diets of fewer than 800 calories per day should not be used unless you are being monitored by your doctor."

    and on this page as well:
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    minties82 wrote: »
    I see it here:


    I am the height of a child so would presume to be at the lower end of that reccomendedation.

    The app gives me the 5 week predicted weight forecast for eating 4186kj which is under 1000cal.

    I'm not saying that I reccomended anyone to eat that low, but I have the odd day where It happens.

    It may be giving you the forecast due to the glitch where people are currently allowed to set their intake too low. But we see the complaints on the suggestions forum almost daily. Below a certain amount (1200 calories?) it displays the warning. Below another amount, it won't do the 5 week projection or post the update to your newsfeed. Many people hate this, but oh well
  • DucklingPrincess
    DucklingPrincess Posts: 36 Member
    I have a similar problem, although I'm usually just under the line and I only work out 20 minutes to half an hour. I use avocado to get that last hundred calories or so in. Try that? It tastes good on a lot of things.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    Thanks for all the information. I work with kj and metric rather than calories and imperial measurements so have to really frown and stick my tongue out of the side of my mouth when reading about calories :-).

    MFP has set my goal to 5020ish kj which is 1200 calories. I lose more than it says I will so I often eat more than this and alwaya do when I exercise.

    It seems so silly when overweight people can't manage to eat 1200 on earth did we get fat then?! The odd day when I don't is usually due to being out of the house all day. I'd happily eat twice as much!
  • chdmama
    chdmama Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the info , I'm going to start weight my fruits and veggies and maybe add In a protein shake for some extra protein . Unfortunately I can't add in milk or dairy , I'm lactose intolerant :( maybe my journal isn't as accurate as it could be not weighing my foods ! I'm going to try that and see what it says at the end of today
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    ask for advice on diary.....keeps diary closed.

    Posts 1 pic of 1 day of diary - lots of generic entries which tells me inaccurate logging.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    OP asks if she is eating too little and harming her body. Everyone says yes. OP gets "offended". Sounds about right.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    chdmama wrote: »
    Thanks for the info , I'm going to start weight my fruits and veggies and maybe add In a protein shake for some extra protein . Unfortunately I can't add in milk or dairy , I'm lactose intolerant :( maybe my journal isn't as accurate as it could be not weighing my foods ! I'm going to try that and see what it says at the end of today

    Definitely weigh your solids and measure your liquids. I have a feeling your calorie intake is larger than what your diary shows. You should also move towards more complete logging using verified database foods. By that I mean, instead of "2 Old El Paso Tacos" for 188 calories, let's try:

    Old El Paso Taco Shells 2 - 100c
    Beef - 80/20 Ground Cooked - 231c
    Lettuce 10g - 2c
    Tomato 20g - 4c
    Sargento Taco Cheese 1/4c - 110c

    That's 437 calories for 2 tacos instead of the 188 calories showing in your diary.