5'5 girls-what size are you?

So I have been trying to figure out my "goal weight' and I think that the weight isn't what I am looking for its more of the size. I would like to be in a size 7/8. I am thinking around 140 but I am clueless because I have NEVER been that size before. Right now I am 161 pounds and in a size 11/12-13/14 (depending on the designer). I would just like a rough guess on how much I would need to weigh to wear a size 8.


  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    That is hard to gauge.....I was 212 lbs in a size 16....so it is all depending on your body makeup
  • Jalachri
    Jalachri Posts: 47
    Im 140 and wear a 28! Have no idea though what size that is. I buy all my pants at the Buckle and thats what I am.
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    my guess would be between 130/140. I used to wear that size but it was so long ago. :flowerforyou:
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Get this! Last year, I weighed 140 and was a size 8. After making a few changes to my exercise program, I weigh 140 and am a size 6. I hadn't been a size 6 since high school!
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    So I have been trying to figure out my "goal weight' and I think that the weight isn't what I am looking for its more of the size. I would like to be in a size 7/8. I am thinking around 140 but I am clueless because I have NEVER been that size before. Right now I am 161 pounds and in a size 11/12-13/14 (depending on the designer). I would just like a rough guess on how much I would need to weigh to wear a size 8.

    Going by your size/weight now, I'm thinking another 10 - 15 pounds should get you to an 8... depending on how you "carry" your weight.
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    When I was between 140-150lbs I was up and down between a 6 and an 8, mostly depended on the brand... I am 5'4" though. I am trying to get back into a 4, which was high school at 135lbs.... but my body has changed alot in bone structure, so I'm not sure that even if I lost the fat, that I could ever get back into that size, so I am just picking a weight and will re-assess as I get closer.
  • julie737
    julie737 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm 141 lbs. and wear a size 8, but can fit in some size 6. Two years ago I was down to 132 and could fit into some size 4 pants. I don't know what my goal weight is either, but when I was 132 I felt like I was small enough, even though I had thought that I wanted to get into the 120s. Also it was hard to maintain, hence the reason I'm back at trying to lose again!
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    Well I'm 5'4 and my goal weight is 140 b/c that's what I weighed in college when I was a size 9/10....of course I am a little shorter than you. I think you'd be safe as your goal weight between 135-140 and the closer you get to your goal you can always change your goal weight to meet your needs later on. Good luck!
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    unfortunately, that could be a HUGE range, depending on what kind of workouts you do and your natural body shape - for instance, i weigh almost 100 lbs more than you do, and im only about 4 sizes up, mostly due to my naturally hight muscle content. on the other hand, i have a girl on my friends list here who weighs right around 150 right now, and recently bought a pair of jeans in a size 4.

    but it also depends on which brand you buy - my NY&COs are all size 18, but there are other places i'be been where i wore a size 22. likewise, the MFP friend i mentioned also bought some pants in sizes 6 and 8 right around the same time she got the 4s.

    i'm sorry, i know that's not helpful at all. i just wanted to go ahead and make those points.
  • ShinyFraga
    ShinyFraga Posts: 132 Member
    I am 5'5" and in high school I was a size 7/8 and weighed 140 pounds. that's my goal again.
  • sybil1106
    sybil1106 Posts: 71
    Right now I'm at a size 12 at 177 lbs so I guess it does depend on body type but before I was a mom and weighed 140 I was in 6/8 clothes. I was also a big time athlete and in the military. So it could also be muscle def and dense bone structure if that even exists. Bottom line sorry I'm not sure but these are my specs. ;)
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    I think that is a great idea for a goal. I was a perfect size 10 at 140-145 many years ago and it was my goal to get back to that weight/size, I'm now 150 and wearing a size 10. In the past I would loose/gain a size every 5-10 pounds. I'm thinking your body composition has more to do with your size than just your weight. It seems I'll should expect to be about a size 8 at 140 now.
  • jessielee
    jessielee Posts: 1
    Its about 125-130 lbs. that's my usual weight and size. good luck!
  • vspink1374
    vspink1374 Posts: 2
    I'm around 140 and a size 9 in pants, it depends on how comfortable you feel about being super thin or thicker, whatever size makes you happy, makes you happy!

    Good Luck!!!
  • brittanybotsford
    brittanybotsford Posts: 20 Member
    I'm about 122 and a size 26-27 or 3/4. It seems to be the right size for my height, I'm just trying to tone up.
  • geekgrrl84
    geekgrrl84 Posts: 24
    I'm 5'5 and 147lbs and am a size 8/Medium in most brands, but of course every shape is different. My guess would be that if you got down to 140 you'd probably be an 8 or less. Hope that helps!
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    I'm 183ish lbs and I wear a size 14 usually.
  • toni3191
    toni3191 Posts: 1
    Hi Ashley, all women are differnet shapes so I dont think you can put a weight on to a dress size. I am 129lbs and I wear a size 10 (UK) which I think is a size 8 (US) however I have been 135lbs and still been a 8 (US).
    What I would suggest is to give your self short goals so you get a sense of achievement and it will keep you motivated, i.e I want to 5 lbs and not I want to loose 40lbs.
    What I have found in the past if you set your self harder targets with bigger weight losses you feel like its a long haul struggle where as smaller targets give you more satisfaction and keep you motivated.
    Good luck :)
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    It might be more helpful for you to look at a size chart for some of your favorite brands and see what the measurement requirements are for a size 8. Body measurements will always provide more useful information than scale weight. See this blog post for proof, as the author has gone from size 10 to size 2 all while weighing 160 pounds: http://www.sparkpeople.com/mypage_public_journal_individual.asp?blog_id=4205099

    BTW-- here are the body measurements for Gap size 8 jeans:
    Waist 28"
    Hips 40¼"
    Thigh 23¾"

    If the jeans fit, who cares how much you weigh when you get into them! Good luck on our journey.
  • ashleyk_xox
    ashleyk_xox Posts: 158 Member
    thanks you all-I think I have guessed right-I just don't want to be TOO thin-and I think with my bone structure I would look sick at 130. I WANT thicker toned thighs and some curves..and I think size 8 would be perfect. I think I will stick with my 140-145 goal weight. thanks for the feedback. good luck everyone :) and thanks again.