New to MFP .. Help?

bri082015 Posts: 6 Member
need all the help I can get . I'm 23 .. 5.3 and 194lbs :( Really wanna loose all this weight just need some guidense threw it I feel like So I can really commit


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited March 2015
  • bri082015
    bri082015 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks . I'm trying to understand the nutrition part . I'm under or at my calories per day intake but not at the % it tells me to stay like 50% carbs 20% protein and 30%fat
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    It takes a little bit of planning to actually get your food intake to align with whatever % your macros are set at. I'm actually still not that great at balancing this and tend to only really be concerned with calories and protein. I've tried on a few occasions, but it seems to be one of those things where you have to plan your meals in advance which I can do (I just never stick to it).

    Also always double check the entries you use. Not all of them are correct. I've run across a few that have the calories, but not any other nutrition data. Some are really off and some apply to different variations of the same food but for another country.

    As for just losing weight though, the link I posted above should help.

    Someone else will probably be of more help about the macro's thing. Good luck :smiley:
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    It's gonna be tough to match up your macros - odds are you're going to be over on some and under on others. You can change the ratios if you want - if you want to shoot for eating more protein than carbs, adjust the ratios so you're 30% protein and 40% carbs, or however you want.

    The only thing that really matters is hitting that calorie goal. I generally try to shoot for being a bit under to allow some wiggle room for inaccuracies that I know are in my diary.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Welcome to MFP, you've got this!
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    to start don't worry about the macros a whole lot at this point. just get calories down then forcus on the rest. i am always over on protein and fat and under on carbs. i actually do this on purpose. just work on one thing at a time
  • dflat0821
    dflat0821 Posts: 10 Member
    Just cut way down on carbs, eat more fat and moderate protein and eat when your hungry. At your age it should come off easy.
  • bri082015
    bri082015 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone !! I will do my best :)
  • sahead710
    sahead710 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi there you sound a lot like me I'm 24, 5'2" and 211 pounds right now, I swear if I could see myself down in the 100s I would just about faint with happiness, I haven't been under 200 since I was 18 or so. I've lost the same 15-20 lbs for years, last time I yoyoed I was at 202 almost under 200 but sadly I quit for whatever stupid reason. Feel free to add me for support!! I'll cheer ya on we all need help for real, it really motivates me to see other people that are doing the same thing I'm doing and know the struggle!! :)
  • bri082015
    bri082015 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes it's hard I feel like I let my self go after 18 and really wanna just get it together and stay together lol thanks much !!