Motivate Me to go to the Gym!!!



  • mckelkel
    mckelkel Posts: 13 Member
    I had a gym membership for ages and didnt use it. Then I started with a personal trainer and the varied workouts makes it more enjoyable. I still struggled going on my own inbetween sessions though. Now we have a challenge, I have to exercise every day and for every day I miss he will make me do 10 burpees. I havent missed a day since.

    I dont give myself a choice now. Its what I have to do to get where I want to be. It gets easier as you stick with it. "What you find hard now will be a warm up in the future"
  • mckelkel
    mckelkel Posts: 13 Member
    Also get into the habit of logging exercise on here, the calorie burn can be quite rewarding when you see it written down!
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    edited February 2015
    Im not motivated to go to the gym. Im resolved. I WILL go 4 days a week.

    Once I accepted that mindset, it became much easier.

    Also, I always go MT, ThF. No rescheduling for another day. The habit will become engrained eventually.
  • MammaSavage
    MammaSavage Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you ALLSO MUCH for the kind words and motivation!! We have gone 3-4 times a week, I have changed my eating habits tremendously and begun a vitamin, whey protein regimen. I feel great!!
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    Stop making it optional. Think of it like brushing your teeth or going to work. It's a thing you just do, not a thing you do if you feel like it.

  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    I never know what to say when people ask for motivation. You are the only one who can do that. Just reach deep inside you and find the strength to face your fears and go.
  • sengalissa
    sengalissa Posts: 253 Member
    1. I's be happy to go for you if you watch my kids during that time? (My gym time is 5.30-6.30am)
    2. I've been a member at three gyms so far. Never ever have I gone to any of them with someone.
  • brahmergirl
    brahmergirl Posts: 84 Member
    I prefer to be alone, sometimes if I go with someone, they expect you to "workout with them" which I feel is impossible for me. I just do my own thing and own it! :) But I am an independent person so it doesn't bother me. I have to drive past the gym on my way home so no excuses for me. Today, I wanted so badly to take a nap, however, my 19 year old decided to install a door to my bedroom while I was trying to take a nap. I decided to just get up and go ride my bike and 8 miles later, I feel terrific! Glad I got up and made it happen! Typically, I just need a shove out the door to get going and feel better. After a few weeks, you will hate the feeling of missing, it becomes a habit! :) You can do it, just go to the gym and have your training plan in mind, then make it happen! :D
  • neaneacc
    neaneacc Posts: 224 Member
    When ever I get into a mood about going to the gym I play my favorite workout music and it helps to get me motivated.
    I know at my gym most of the people workout by themselves. Very few are in pairs for workouts. Just remember that everyone there is simply trying to better themselves and it doesn't seem so intimidating. Once you have been a few times that feeling will go away as you realize that no one is watching you workout. Additionally, if you are unsure how to use some equipment just ask a person who works there to show you. Remember they are there to help you.
  • helenleeeeee
    helenleeeeee Posts: 12 Member
    There's also other fun apps you can get. Fit me dots helps you keep track of which areas you worked out & where to go next. Fitocracy is a good one too.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    pyranna wrote: »
    Just joined a gym again. I need motivation to go by myself. For some reason, I feel weird going alone to exercise. I know the rewards will be worth it - I just need to get rid of this feeling!!

    Motivate yourself.