A small victory for the Empire!



  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    This is by no means a milestone in my battle to regain my body but I'll take the small victories and celebrate them whenever and wherever I can get them :-)

    For the record I am a geek, nerd, dork, a Star Wars nut and a member of the 501st Legion.

    My main reason for wanting to get into shape was so I could squeeze my *kitten* into a suit of Clone Trooper armor. The goal is to hit a 37in waist which is the max girth to be able to fit.

    When I started building the armor I wasn't able to wear it even when I added a 6in extension to the the ab section. However, this past Monday I was able to get into the armor using an extension plate that was hardly noticeable.

    I still want to be able to wear it as it was intended but this is a little victory that motivates me to keep working hard and eating right.

    I do lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle. And no I don't eat right every day and I don't get to the gym or do my P90X as often as I should but I am still mindful of what I put in my body and I log as much as I can as often as I can. Even though that may not seem like much every little bit DOES help. So for those of you out there who are struggling or getting frustrated or discouraged, I promise you that you can do it. I have found the secret is to just be patient and to not....and I mean DO NOT give yourself a timeline or a deadline of any kind. That is the quickest way to get frustrated and say Eff it!.

    You can do it! Hell, if I can ANYONE can.

    This is where I was in march.
    <IMG src=http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad128/TommyDeluxe/TI/Fatboy.jpg</IMG&gt;

    This is where I'm at today...the flight suit is far less kind than the armor but....

    In march I wasn't able to even put it on. Now not only can I wear it somewhat comfortably, I'm able to do my duty as a member of the 501st and put a few smiles on a few faces.


    <a href="http://s928.photobucket.com/albums/ad128/TommyDeluxe/Troops/Ramstein CC Family Fun Night 09May11/?action=view&amp;current=DSCN1609.jpg&quot; target="_blank"><img src="http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad128/TommyDeluxe/Troops/Ramstein CC Family Fun Night 09May11/DSCN1609.jpg&quot; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    So keep pushing play, keep logging those cals, and just keep on truckin. No matter how much or how little you want to lose you will get there!!!


    Was just trying to fix the pictures that I could, but they were moved. But looks like you fixed them, anyway. :)
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Not a Star Wars geek (loved the movies though) but a geek (old school comic geek) in many ways and this is the best post ever. The costumes are so frickin' cool. Congrats on getting into the costume.
  • SoFancySoBlessed
    SoFancySoBlessed Posts: 224 Member
    Awesome job...you put a smile on my face :bigsmile:
  • neesono
    neesono Posts: 61
    Thank you everyone for the kind words of support. You all kick *kitten*!!! And I'm glad to know that my geekery was able to make you guys smile. I guess it's not just the little kids who get a kick out of this....looks like we've got some big kids out there too ;-)

    As for doing mind tricks on the scale...well....for a while that damn thing was doing mind tricks on me. I do my best to only weigh myself once every few weeks.

    I'm an old school comic book geek too Outersoul! It's good to diversify ones geek portfolio ;-) Mostly I get into Marvel but I haven't picked up a comic in years. Still have all my comics from when I was a kid. Thankfully my mom didn't get rid of them like so many moms do lol

    And Slave Leia costumes...yep yep!

    Thanks again so much for the support. The MFP crew really helps keep me on track! You guys rock!
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