Calling all P90Xers!!!

I just wanted to hear some of your success stories & see if any of you went through what I'm going through right now:
Ok I got p90x as a new years resolution gift from my husband. I Was so excited to get strated & I was doing good for the first 30 days but then I hit a bump in the road..... I got frustrated with the nutrition part that I strayed next thing I know I'm going a week almost 2 without eating right & working out!!!! I FELT LIKE SUCH A FAILURE!!!!
I was so mad @ myself thAt I ended up starting over & over!!!!!

This is my third time starting over & this time I don't want to give up!!!!
So now I turn to you if you can help me..... I just want to know if any of you had this problem & if you did how did you get through it
What phase & workout(classic, lean or doubles) are you doing? What Nutrition level are you on?

Im doing the lean workout week 5 (although i got to admit yoga x is probably my least favorite of the whole program:/...)and I'm trying to do nutrition level 1 phase 1 sometimes I do the portion approach and sometimes the meal approach when I have the needed materials for the recipes (I need help on this... It's dumb I know but for me it's been the hard part)

I want to be serious about finishing this!!!!


  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    I'm on Day 11 - Feel free to add me and we can help each other! I started before too and didn't finish it and this time I'm serious about finishing it and super determined! :D
  • Kbelle2607
    Kbelle2607 Posts: 61 Member
    I was on week 4 but I've had finals this week and I had to take a break to focus on studying for my exams. Just start back up again and know that you can do it! Feel free to add me :)
  • KLaurean
    KLaurean Posts: 112
    I'm not going to be much of a resource to you as I've only just started. I'm also doing the lean version though, and the yoga would be my least favorite as well.
    I'm wondering if it would be more beneficial to you to try to eat your own foods and not going off of the meal plan. I'm not going by the meal plan, but I still make healthy choices and log in what I've had for the day.
  • TAMMY_76
    TAMMY_76 Posts: 199
    hi i am on week 7 of classic ..and as far as the nutrition part goes it something that u have to play with..i dont follow it per say but i do still eat veggies lean protein and long as u are getting your recomened calories on mfp..and as far as results i have had some awesome results with p90x....and if you get to the part were u are thinking about quitting just kep it in ur mind about how good u are going to look in 90 days just keep picturing it!!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hey girl! Do you have a BeachBody coach? Im a coach ... because I love this program and I think it really works. I am currently just finishing up Phase 2 ... if you wanna see my 30 day pics I have them posted here.

    One of the best tricks that I have ... is I tell myself I only have to do half the video. Some days that really is all I do ... and most days I do the whole video. Giving myself that out gets me started... this especially works with Yoga... I always say I only have to do 30 mins... but then by then I just keep going!

    Freind request me if you like -- check out my profile!

    Here are my pictures... Photos/30-Side-1.jpg
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    Hi there! I am on day 4 of phase 3. (Yes, I'm almost done with 90 days! Yay!!) As far as the nutrition plan, I'll admit I didn't stick to it verbatim. I did change my overall eating habits and I am eating way better than when I first started the program.

    Stick with it! As long as you do your best and forget the'll be fine!

    Friend me if you'd like!
  • neesono
    neesono Posts: 61
    I got P90X over 4 years ago. It sat in my closet collecting dust until Match of this year. Every week I said "I'll start it on Monday" or "I'll start it when I get weights" or some other lame excuse. I finally said enough is enough and I wanted to take charge of my body.

    For 3 weeks (classic) I stuck with it religiously. 7 days a week. I am not doing the meal plan at all. I am using MFP for that.

    But life does get in the way and doing these workouts 7 days a week can be difficult. My last P90X workout was about 2 weeks ago.

    If there is anything that I have learned from P90X it's this: don't give yourself a time table! Don't create a deadline. Do what you can when you can. The more you let Tony abuse you the faster you'll see results. But for some going at a slower pace is the best way to go.

    Yes I have hit the pause button for now but I haven't quit. I do what I can when I can and eventually I will get all X'd out. But for now I'm just taking my time to ease into the lifestyle. And make no mistake....P90X combined with MFP is a lifestyle. You have to be ready and willing to make some changes.

    So don't beat yourself up about it and take your time. A little of something is better than a whole lot of nothing. Keep pushing play but as Tony says; "Hit that pause button if you need to. We'll be here when you get back"