Wanna view my diary?

Need a bit of support at the mo.. Weight loss this week only 0.4lbs . Have been doing well the last two months trying to walk my 10.000 steps daily and watch my calories.. I love the forums here and trying to get advice. . Not sure still whether to eat my exercise calories back or not ? Any help would be appreciated .


  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I don't mind looking at your diary but first you'll need to make it public (it's not right now). In your Diary Settings, scroll all the way to the bottom, select "public" under diary sharing and save changes. Then people can see and comment :)
  • elliem46
    elliem46 Posts: 10 Member
    Oh ok :)
  • krysmuree
    krysmuree Posts: 326 Member
    Great job logging. :) My question is .. what's the problem? You're exercising, eating within your limits and losing weight. 0.4lbs is a great loss for one week! The average person is recommended to only lose .5-1lb a week. You're doing great!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You have 14lbs to go, .4lb (well, .5lb) a week is right where you should be.
    Yes, you should be eating at least a portion of your exercise calories back if you are following MFP.

    One thing I noticed was some quick add calories. Beware of those, it is very easy to end up underestimating when doing that.

    Also, how do you measure your food?
  • elliem46
    elliem46 Posts: 10 Member
    Oh maybe its just me .. have been losing 2lbs most weeks ..just wondered if i need to be eating more of the exercise calories as i try to stay away from these ..
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You have 14lbs to go, .4lb (well, .5lb) a week is right where you should be.
    Yes, you should be eating at least a portion of your exercise calories back if you are following MFP.

    One thing I noticed was some quick add calories. Beware of those, it is very easy to end up underestimating when doing that.

    Also, how do you measure your food?

    all of this
  • krysmuree
    krysmuree Posts: 326 Member
    Pfffft I wish I could lose 2lbs a week. ;) You're doing fine. 0.4lbs is still a loss and a very good one at that. I only eat my exercise calories if I'm hungry and if I do, I only consume 50% of them at most. Keep up the good work (and like 3dogsrunning said, be wary of those quick add calories).
  • elliem46
    elliem46 Posts: 10 Member
    I do measure my food on a scale ..but your right the quick add calories i try to over estimate ..thanks ..got a big birthday in june and wanna look fit not fat
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    elliem46 wrote: »
    Oh maybe its just me .. have been losing 2lbs most weeks ..just wondered if i need to be eating more of the exercise calories as i try to stay away from these ..

    How long?

    I suspect part of the reason is that you likely have an aggressive calorie goal. You are keeping below 1200 and not eating exercise calories. I'm guessing you have your weight loss goal set to 2lbs.
    2lbs a week is a realistic goal for someone with more than 75lbs to lose. Yes, you can lose at that rate while under 75lbs but there will come a point where that just isn't going to happen, at least, not without unsafe calorie intake.

  • elliem46
    elliem46 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks all xx feel better now ..off to work to finish my steps today !
  • elliem46
    elliem46 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks all xx feel better now ..off to work to finish my steps today !
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Lol considering the mean people thread on the people asking to look at a diary this make a change as you understand why its useful. Ill have a look.
  • FitMom4Life27
    FitMom4Life27 Posts: 9
    edited March 2015
    One thing I see is that you're eating the majority of your intake at dinner, and at that point in the day I always eat lighter. For a few days, try maxing out your calories, with the majority of the calories at lunch (I eat most of my day 4-500 cals) between 10-2. I also exercise at night, don't know when you like to though. That time of the day your body and brain at being used the most (generally) and your metabolism starts to slow as the day goes on. I changed to this style about two months ago and have noticed I am getting better results with muscle definition, and have noticed that I tend to not want to snack as much at night! Also, try to eat back at least half of your exercise cals. MFP calculates the deductions for you so the cal display it reads for the exercises is accurate. Eat only half back if you're nervous about them. I also go over my cal limit 1-2 days a week (only by 100-200 cals). It's a mild form of carb cycling, but it helps your body to stay away from monotony and it doesn't get used to your diet too fast. Hope this helps! (100 pounds down and lifestyle change strong for 3 years!)
  • FitMom4Life27
    My diary is public, and I also want to note that I eat earlier than most folks. My breakfast is between 6-7, snack at 10, lunch at 11:30-12 and dinner at 5. Sometimes I start eating my dinner at 4, depends on how hungry I am. I will workout after that (around 6-7) and them have some tea, or a couple slices of Apple. The not eating late and having a lot of cals I would say take note of if you're eating dinner any time after 6 pm.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    One thing I see is that you're eating the majority of your intake at dinner, and at that point in the day I always eat lighter. For a few days, try maxing out your calories, with the majority of the calories at lunch (I eat most of my day 4-500 cals) between 10-2. I also exercise at night, don't know when you like to though. That time of the day your body and brain at being used the most (generally) and your metabolism starts to slow as the day goes on. I changed to this style about two months ago and have noticed I am getting better results with muscle definition, and have noticed that I tend to not want to snack as much at night! Also, try to eat back at least half of your exercise cals. MFP calculates the deductions for you so the cal display it reads for the exercises is accurate. Eat only half back if you're nervous about them. I also go over my cal limit 1-2 days a week (only by 100-200 cals). It's a mild form of carb cycling, but it helps your body to stay away from monotony and it doesn't get used to your diet too fast. Hope this helps! (100 pounds down and lifestyle change strong for 3 years!)

    Congratulations on your loss and maintenance, FitMom! But I wanted to clarify something: nobody's metabolism slows down as the day goes on. Fortunately, that's a diet myth. Meal timing, carb cycling, etc. may make a difference for YOU personally, but it only "matters" in regards to how it helps an individual adhere to a calorie deficit. Personally my body hasn't gotten "used to" my diet, which is pretty monotonous by choice - I have also lost 100+ pounds - again, it comes down to what works for each individual, the only absolute rule of weight loss is CICO.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Logging is ok.
    I noticed the quick added calories and not sure you are weighing everything. You will find a level which finds the balance for you at giving you enough to eat, but manageable. I always found 1200 a bit low. You will probably find if you tighten up your logging you are eating more than that. Try plotting your weight so you cna see the trend as well as fluctuations. We all fluctuate up to 4lbs a day, so.4lbs a week needs to eb backed up bu a consistent trend downwards.

    Agree above that .5;bs a week is fine and on course. If you wnat to lose faster then i wouldnt cut calories any more as it can be counter productive. I might do some more exercise, but you are doing ok there. Theres nothing wrong with losing more, just dont get hung up on it or be unrealistic.

    Depending on how you calculate burns then they will be of varying accuract. you probably know MFP often overestimates burns as do most of the machines at the gym plus people naturally think they work harder than they do. Its importnat if you are eating abck that you dont eat calories you havent burned and as a rule of thumb many just eat back 50% of what MFP says. its up to you though if you arent hungry then dont eat them back for the sake of it. Make sure you arent running out of energy so are fueled and properly hydrated.

    You are doing well
  • elliem46
    elliem46 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks very much ..i really appreciate your replys and wish i had time to reply to you all today . Im at work now ..but just wanted to thank you all so much ...food for thought xx