Trying to start a healthy lifestyle

hi, I'm Jessica, Iv used my fitness pal before so I got the hang of that, but tying to start a healthy lifestyle is a little more difficult. Cutting back on soda is so hard for me. Even tho I don't drink a lot maybe a can a day. Chocolate actually. I used to be pretty small but I went back home for about 2 months after a bad break up and was really depressed and gained 20lbs :( I'm currently 160, 5'5 trying to get down to 125-130. Any helpful tips would be great!


  • geta23
    geta23 Posts: 3
    Don't overwhelm yourself with trying to get it done in a short period of time , set realistic goals for urself, introduce more exercise and ur body will respond to the small changes !
  • blufforbust
    blufforbust Posts: 22 Member
    Wean yourself off the everyday junk. Have it on special occasions.
  • Ogmodon
    Ogmodon Posts: 5
    I am like you I was a large soda drinker would have 5 or more a day (diet) and 5 or 6 energy drinks plus sweet tea's. It was the headaches for me when I went cold turkey, so I went back. Finally got off them by using crystal light with caffeine.
  • timothyweaver2014
    timothyweaver2014 Posts: 80 Member
    I got off of my 2-3 a day soda habit by developing a love of unsweetened tea... Maybe worth a shot? Feel free to add me if you would like.