This is it, I am GOING to do it this time!

Here I am...again. I am struggling to even make this post. None of you know me, but I feel like you will all judge me! I know crazy. I am 39 years old and have ALWAYS struggled with my weight. My highest was 391 and I am 367 now. I hate the way I look and the way I feel. I hate the pain in my legs after walking short distances. I don't go to the gym even tho I pay for a membership b/c then people will know I'm fat and judge me for only being able to go 10 mins on the treadmill. I feel so good when I eat clean and why can't I stick to it? This time I am going to take it one day at a time. I'm not jumping on the fad diet of the week, I'm going to use diet and exercise to get where I need to be. It is going to be a long road and a hellova struggle at first. I have not reached out for help...this time I am. I can't do this alone, I know this because I have tried the other million times and failed. I'm sorry this post is not exactly an "introduction" but I just felt like I needed to put it out there, for me. Here's to my last "day 1"!


  • FitRican
    FitRican Posts: 98 Member
    Good for you for taking the first step, rmember this is a long journey and will take time. My advise is to enjoy the small gains/changes. Working out accelerate the weight loss process, but nutrition is the main focus of your journey. Please do not hesitate contacting me for suuport and keep me posted on progress.
  • murburto
    murburto Posts: 6 Member
  • littleboopy
    littleboopy Posts: 25 Member
    I too am 39 yrs old and have been struggling to lose weight since having had my children. I too have had no success by myself. I've finally had enough and am determined to lose the fat for good! I want to be fab at forty not fat! I would love to have a buddie to support, push and motivate as well as get the same back! If this sounds good to you feel free to friend me! Here's to losing weight and gaining our self esteem back!
  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    One step at a time!
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    I have tried and failed to succeed many times as well. As long as you don't give up completely, you haven't truly failed.

    Don't waste your money on the gym if you hate to go. There are things you can do in the privacy of your own home or neighborhood, like using a DVD to work out or walking. The most important thing right now, however, is to get into new habits with eating. Keep logging your food every day, even if you know you've gone off the rails. Its helpful to see the reality of how many calories you consume on an average, non-controlled day. You can make your diary completely private if you want. The information is to help you, not anybody else. Yesterday, for example, I discovered that the caramel corn I ate pushed my fat and sugar higher than I wanted, and I didn't even enjoy it all that much. So I'm not buying caramel corn again; it isn't worth the calories. Little changes like that will lead to better eating patterns; I truly believe that.
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    By the way, most people at the gym aren't judging, and the ones who are aren't worth your consideration. Every time I see someone who is morbidly obese on the treadmill, my only thought is "good for you!" I've discovered that I don't enjoy the gym either, and with spring and summer coming on, I'd rather be outside doing something. So when my pre-paid membership expires, I'm not renewing.
  • wpodenton
    wpodenton Posts: 3 Member
    You are not alone, I too have returned to Myfitnesspal for the motivation and commitment. I have tried like all the others but can't seem to stay focused consistently. This time I will access this blog daily and not try to lose weight on my own without support. Hang in there we will win this battle.
  • Good luck all you can do it.