My weight doesn't move!!!

I started only 3 weeks ago. I have all except one day kept at or just under the 1200 calories per day I'm allowed. At the beginning the system said at the end of 5 weeks I would have gone from the 73.3 Kg I was then to 70 Kg -- however I find I struggle between 72.4 and 73.0 all the time........up and down and up and down....
I can do light exercise as its winter and not much time (I work long hours) but thats all and I do what I can. ..........what am I doing wrong?


  • kakaiie
    kakaiie Posts: 19
    same problem. please help us! =(
  • 87beckyRN
    87beckyRN Posts: 34
    Sometimes it can take a while to start losing. When I first started it took me a month or so to see any lost weight. I actually gained weight at first! Keep it up and you will lose it!
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member

    I'm never sure how to answer these kinds of posts without being too "advicey" but here goes:

    1) Congrats for working at it, in your way. Weight loss and getting healthy, IMO, has some short term rewards including feeling better (if you exercise), but most of the rewards are somewhere down the line. It takes a lot of patience and support.
    2) As far as not having time to exercise, that will probably have to change some time in your lifetime. I get that a lot of jobs and lifestyles aren't conducive to exercise (I'm a single mom who works 45 hours a week) but at some point, either sooner or later, we will have to re-evaluate things and make health a priority IMO. Maybe a long term goal could be developing a lifestyle that allows you more time to yourself?
    3) As far as I can tell, everyone's body is very different and you have to experiment with what works. I've been plateaued for awhile and am experimenting with eating my exercise calories back and not eating them back. Keep the faith and experiment (within reason and what's good for you)!

    Hang in there and congrats for joining! Keep venting if you need to :))


  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    two things can be hindering you weight loss. #1 underestimating your calories consumed. #2 overestimating your activity. Try for the next week to do the oposite and be sure to get your water in. Let us know how that turns out. Good luck.
  • kama5
    kama5 Posts: 11
    Wonder if it is the water -- I'm not good at drinking the water -- maybe for the next week I will make it a target to drink what I'm supposed to and see if that makes a difference -- thanks for all the advice - really does help and makes one think of other things.
  • Stephaneggs
    Stephaneggs Posts: 11 Member
    You can also try changing up your routine-that might also help. Don't get discouraged. I have lost about 15 pounds and it took awhile for it to come off and notice, but it will happen! Good luck
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I had the same problem. It could be that you have "shocked" your body, especially if you made a drastic change in eating habits. It took my body about a month to adjust and for the past 2 weeks I have been losing weight. I also increased my calorie intake to 1450 instead of the minimum 1200. I think 1200 was too much of a shock to my body and it wanted to hang on to the weight for dear life.
  • krevill
    krevill Posts: 65 Member
    I have the same problem, I got on the scales yesterday thinking must have lost weight, but I hadn't.

    I try not to think of the weight side but the fact is we are all on here to loose weight and it can be so disheartening not to but for me there are so many other bonuses to living a healthy life style such as my joints not hurting and feeling a lot fitter and healthier.

    Also if you are like me the scales won't show a weight loss but you will feel a bit slimmer and your clothes will start to fit better.

    So don't be disheartened by what the scales say and concentrate on what your body is telling you :smile:
  • cafeteriagirl
    cafeteriagirl Posts: 267 Member
    I got the same thing going on. I feel like ive plateaued also, but dont give up. I get the little message at the bottom that i am eating too few calories I am also under the 1200 calorie range. I look at it this way the longer it takes to go off the easier it will be to keep it off. Good luck and I hope you can lose the weight you are striving for:)
  • vanfox23
    vanfox23 Posts: 110
    Have you tried to take your measurements? The scale is an evil little thing. I have been doing P90X for almost 4 months and have lost very little weight...even with working out 6 days a week. But, my measurements are going down. The scale weighs everything in your body. So if you build one pound of muscle and lose one pound of are not going to see a loss at the scale. I am right there with you losing and gaining the same 2-3 lbs every week. It's very frustrating and discouraging. I've whined on these boards many times about it. Now I'm trying to wrap my mind around the whole measurement thing. Try it and see if it works for you. I've lost a total of around 9 inches in 4 months but only like 5 pounds. Good Luck!!!
  • kama5
    kama5 Posts: 11
    All great comments -- my target this week is to drink the water I'm supposed to and I'll look at the measurements to - hadn't done that.... how often do you take them, weekly?? monthly?? Must admit I have a couple of target dates, one nearby where I'm being realistic in that not much will have gone but the other is November this year - want to look good for a certain "do" that i have to attend.