Vegan Friends??

evelyns1998 Posts: 2 Member
edited January 2015 in Motivation and Support
Im vegan and really would like someone to talk to who is happy to exchange recipes, tips or ideas?? :)


  • XMusicJunkieX
    XMusicJunkieX Posts: 12 Member
    I've been vegan about 13 years now. Would love to be your friend!
  • evelyns1998
    evelyns1998 Posts: 2 Member
    Yay! Thank you! Do you have any yummy pasta sauce recipes? I have a basic tomato one but it gets a bit boring after awhile.... And tips when it comes to buying coconut water?
  • I am vegetarian, but I try to eat mostly vegan, if you're okay with that, I'd love to be your friend.
  • I've been vegan for little over a year now! If you need recipes, I would highly suggest or !
  • I'm a HCLF vegan! New to MFP so friends, vegan or not, would be awesome (:
  • Add me up! I'm vegan. Need some support?
  • DrFruity
    DrFruity Posts: 6 Member
    Newly Raw Till 4pm :) Vegan for 2.5 years....
  • Vegan here for just over 2 years or so. Love to be friends and have more motivation!
  • Chikika
    Chikika Posts: 28 Member
    I'm vegetarian with vegan tendencies... :) if that counts enough!
  • ChristinaWelch78
    ChristinaWelch78 Posts: 6 Member
    I am vegan! I welcome new friends! Check out Happy Herbivore for recipes. I 2nd Oh She Glows and Minimalist Baker!
  • chilimister
    chilimister Posts: 17 Member is my favorite
  • chilimister
    chilimister Posts: 17 Member
    If someone stared a vegan group that would be cool
  • fit_vegan_chick
    fit_vegan_chick Posts: 1 Member
    *waves* I seriously sent a friend request to everyone who replied so far. I am back in the vegan lifestyle and need all the support I can get. <3
  • eabiss9
    eabiss9 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey! I've been a vegetarian since 2008, I was a vegan from 08-10, in the last 6 months my fiancé and I (he does he meat when we go out to eat) have been eating a 100% clean vegan diet combined with an active lifestyle. We make every single meal we eat 9 out of 10 times. I have some AMAZING clean vegan recipes if you're interested! Check out my "success stories" pinterest board.

    My fiancé's actually turned 80-ish% vegetarian (and now 80% vegan) because of all of the recipes we've found and tried.

    It's awesome that you can import recipes on MFP too, it makes calorie counting so much easier. I hated guessing what servings of home made food contained. This App has kept me on track. I also recommend the free app "Waterlogged". It pairs with MFP and makes you 3 times more likely to drink water. I know before I used it I NEVER drank more than 2 glasses a day.

    I hope these suggestions help!
  • czrewor
    czrewor Posts: 32 Member
    I've been vegan...1 week doing raw till 4. Lost 8 lbs already but prob just water weight(
  • eabiss9
    eabiss9 Posts: 14 Member
    Make sure you're eating round meals. You want a complex carb, protein, and vegetable at lunch and dinner. Breakfast should be complex carbs, nuts/grains, fruit. Stick to it, you'll shed body fat so long as you incorporate an active lifestyle. Being active goes beyond the gym. Park your car far, not Ontop of stores. Take the stairs. Start paying attention to how few people choose stairs over escalators. It's enlightening.
  • I've been a lifetime vegetarian and have recently moved to a vegan diet. I would love to join in on the support and build on my vegan friends!