eat first or exercise first????

metco89 Posts: 578 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Wow! So much conflicting information coming out these days on diet and exercise. I am one to stick to the basics of burn more calories than you take in and you will lose. However, I want to burn the max fast LOL!!! At least until i get back into my routine and begin to enjoy my exercise again. So I have read I should exercise before eating in the morning, then another article says no! Eat breakfast before exercising. Does anyone have an opinion or facts to support this one way or the other? Just curious.


  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    I too have found conflicting info on this. I workout in the evenings, and usually have a snack when I get home from work, then workout, then have my dinner.
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    I prefer to exercise first. Why? Because I get stomach cramps if I eat right before exercising, and I don't get up early enough to eat, wait 30 minutes, then exercise. If I'm working out in the evening, I make sure to have a snack about 1-2 hours before working out otherwise I get lightheaded. My preference is to have 4-8oz of water before working out and hydrate through the workout as needed. Then I have food after.

    Honestly, there's so many arguments for and against eating before exercise that it comes down to your personal preference. Try both out and see which you like better.
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    Thank You for the input I think I will go have breakfast LOL!! Then do some chores around the house and then head to the gym. Thanks again!! Have a wonderfully successful day
  • You're supposed to eat protein before, and then eat something light after. It helps to give your body something to have in it before you go full force into exercise in the morning, and afterward you should refuel.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    It does not matter as long as you exercise. If you are exercising 1st thing in the morning eat a light snack before working out. My snack of choice is a banana most days and when I don't have one, I grab a piece of cheese or a handful of nuts. this keeps your metabolism up and helps you to have a better workout too. If you workout on an empty stomach you will cut workout short or decrease energy you put into the workout.
  • Kaiwyn
    Kaiwyn Posts: 11
    I prefer to work out on an empty stomach, before breakfast first thing in the morning. I find I get a better work out and have more energy FOR my work out......I have read that it is best to do this as your body will burn more calories. Maybe I am just weird but that's how I always have done it! When I do work out in the afternoon/evening, I find that my workouts are shorter as I do not have the same stamina as I do first thing in the morning, and my heart rate is higher (180 +). Like a PP said, I think it really is a personal preference, and as long as you ARE excercising!
  • I work out at night so I eat before, but if I can get in a morning workout then I don't eat before. I feel sick if I workout on food eaten within an hour so that's no fun!
  • I have looked into this extensivlely and what I have found the consensus to be is if you are doing low intensity cardio, you should definitely do it in the morning BEFORE you eat. At this time your body is in a depleted state and you will burn more fat than doing cardio at other times in the day. If you are doing very intense cardio then I would eat something before to give your system some energy. I have used this technique and have lost a lot of weight. Check out my blog if you want some more details on what I am doing.

    Good Luck!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    It doesn't really matter all that much unless you're doing over say 90 minutes of cardio, then you want to have enough glycogen to get through the routine, which means fast carbs while exercising.
  • th_pink_panther
    th_pink_panther Posts: 3 Member
    I find if I exercise first I eat less and become full faster…not sure why but that is what I noticed :tongue:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    It doesn't really matter all that much unless you're doing over say 90 minutes of cardio, then you want to have enough glycogen to get through the routine, which means fast carbs while exercising.

    Thanks Banks! Well I have never did 90 min of cardio to date so I think I am safe!:wink:
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