will this really work? Input much needed!

sd892310 Posts: 151
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
i am fed up of this plateau and i have tried zig zagging, i have tried upping cals/ lowering, exercising and nothing is working. So after sitting at basically maintainance for several weeks with a daily calorie goal of 1360, i have decided that i am going to give this one last shot and basically start afresh. Going to set new cal goals, new exercise goals, and new eating plan. i just am really scared that i am going to put this weight back on again

My basic stats:

Age 21
Height 5ft 4
Weight 122 lbs
BMI 20.9

I have worked out (using various different methods/calculators etc and then taken averages) that these are my cal stats:

BMR Daily Maintain -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2
1387 1805 1805 1555 1305 1055 805

So I am going to try:
1410 per day
9870 per week

So my question is......will i really lose weight eating 1410cals a day??? I have been eating 1360 a day and havent and so to me this seems madness to up the intake even more, but from all researching etc this is the number that i have come up with.


  • caroline_g
    caroline_g Posts: 201 Member
    Maybe it's your body telling you that it's done losing weight and you're where you should be?
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    I agree.. you have a very nice bmi and i think there may just be nothing left to lose, unless you start chopping off limbs (which doesn't seem like a good idea) I'd suggest stop trying to focus on the weight, you look great! Take a tape measurer and take some measurements and simply work on toning your muscles. Stay at maintenance!
  • sevelanne
    sevelanne Posts: 25 Member
    Your BMI is excellent so I don't understand why you are killing yourself trying to lose any more weight. You look great and should just focus on keeping a healthy lifestyle and ensure you don't put weight back on
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Agree with the other poster I'm afraid! you body might be telling you that you have reached the peak of your weight loss! maybe a good idea to stay on maintance, so measurements is a good idea! in any event good luck with whatever you decide on!
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I agree.. you have a very nice bmi and i think there may just be nothing left to lose, unless you start chopping off limbs (which doesn't seem like a good idea) I'd suggest stop trying to focus on the weight, you look great! Take a tape measurer and take some measurements and simply work on toning your muscles. Stay at maintenance!
    This is good advice. Also, have you switched up WHAT you eat and HOW you excercise?
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    i agree with the posts above - forget about the scale...instead set some fitness goals (being able to run 5k, do pushups, etc)...Your body probably can't really lose much more wieght, but your could do toning which will make you lose some inches...

    I have lost 32 lbs to date, but honestly I am more happy with the fact that I went from a size 16 pants to a size 6, the fact that I have muscles in my arms,...I can see my abs.....
  • Girl, you are at an amazing weight! GREAT JOB!!! You are where i want to be... i'm getting there... I am 5'2"... I started at 150 lbs where i been at for too long, and now down to 139! But my goal is range 130-120 lbs. I would say not so much is it time for you to lose weight, but maybe you want to be more toned now as your new goal? Aerobics and weight lifting!!! Make sure to keep on your jogging too to balance your excersice! CONGRATS GIRL! Good luck on a six pack ;)
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    As long as you are still taking in calories less than your required amount (i.e., 1600 to maintain), you will lose weight. It may be a slow loss, but you shouldn't gain. If you do gain, it's probably just water and you need to let your body readjust. It could be that you truly need MORE calories and your body has put a "hold" on weightloss.. Try the 1400 for a few weeks and then maybe try to cut back to 1200 again.. Every body is different. It's all trial and error, unfortunately.

    I am 121-122, and I am trying to get leaner also. I can understand the "you're done losing weight" or "stop trying to lose more" comments being frustrating and is why there are threads named "not-to-heavy girls trying to get leaner" or something along those lines. No one seems to understand that just because we're not fat, doesn't mean we can't still need to lose a couple of pounds. I was 107-110 comfortably for many years and will get back to that weight, or close to it.

    Hang in there..
  • I agree.. you have a very nice bmi and i think there may just be nothing left to lose, unless you start chopping off limbs (which doesn't seem like a good idea) I'd suggest stop trying to focus on the weight, you look great! Take a tape measurer and take some measurements and simply work on toning your muscles. Stay at maintenance!

    i agree with this. really it sounds like you need to start listening to your body...it sounds like it is done and it is time to tone and build muscle.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Maybe it's your body telling you that it's done losing weight and you're where you should be?

    My thoughts exactly.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Your stats say GOAL.
    You do not need to lose anymore weight. It's like hitting your head against a wall. I am your height and when I weighed 139 people thought I was anorexic. I know my body may be completely different than your, but you are 17lb lighter and have a healthy BMI.

    Enjoy your success and keep on maitaining.
  • trapitt
    trapitt Posts: 93 Member
    Looking at your height and weight you seem to be in a very healthy range. Your BMI is great. Why push yourself into an unhealthy range.
  • graymojo
    graymojo Posts: 8
    Just be careful because being underweight can be just as bad as being overweight. In other words, if your BMI is less than 18.9, you're gonna be underweight.
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Yeah, but the problem with BMI is that it doesn't take lean body mass into account and so can be an unrealistic view of someone's overall physique.

    When you reach a plateau like this, the first thing I'd suggest is taking a look at your exercise regime. Are you doing the same thing you have for the past 3 months? If so, your body may have adapted to it and it's not providing the same tangible benefits that it did previously. Try exercising at greater intensity or changing your workout for a week and see if that makes any difference.

    You may also want to look at your nutrient ratios - it could be that you're carbohydrate sensitive, and it may be worth dropping your carb intake from the 55% which MFP has set as default to 45% or so, and pushing up your protein and fat intake by 5% each to compensate.

    I wouldn't drop your calories any further until you've tried these two for a couple of weeks though.
  • jamiek89
    jamiek89 Posts: 105
    I agree with above that you should be looking at WHAT your eating. Are your calories coming from good quality, nutrient dense foods? Also mixing up exercise is a great metabolism kick starter, if you've always done running, do a spin class. If youve always done cardio classes, try a pump class, or weights etc etc just keep changing things to confuse your body & keep that metabolism rockin!
  • sd892310
    sd892310 Posts: 151
    Thanks for the replies. I know that my BMI is that in the healthy range, but i know i can still be lower without being classified as underweight, and i just look in the mirror and i am not as slim as thought i would be at this weight. Maybe you are right and i should concentrate more on toning and changing around my exercises and hope that this would improve my shape/size more. :smile:
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Are those NET calories or total calories? If you aren't eating back your exercise calories your body is fighting any more weight loss. I broke a 7-8 week plateau by eating back most of my exercise calories instead of only half. I wear a HRM so I'm confident in the amount of exercise I log into MFP. I also started strength training (lifting weights) 2x a week in addition to my regular cardio workouts. With only 5lbs. to go, you really should consider lowering your setting to losing 0.5lbs. per week. I did all of this and I finally broke through the plateau and reached my initial goal weight but I'm going to try and lose another 4lbs. so my BMI will be 20. Make some adjustments and try it for 4 weeks before re-evaluating.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Have you clicked on goals and change goals to update your calorie allowance since you have lost weight? MFP doesnt automatically update, so your calorie allowance may have changed?
  • sd892310
    sd892310 Posts: 151
    Are those NET calories or total calories? If you aren't eating back your exercise calories your body is fighting any more weight loss. I broke a 7-8 week plateau by eating back most of my exercise calories instead of only half. I wear a HRM so I'm confident in the amount of exercise I log into MFP. I also started strength training (lifting weights) 2x a week in addition to my regular cardio workouts. With only 5lbs. to go, you really should consider lowering your setting to losing 0.5lbs. per week. I did all of this and I finally broke through the plateau and reached my initial goal weight but I'm going to try and lose another 4lbs. so my BMI will be 20. Make some adjustments and try it for 4 weeks before re-evaluating.

    They are my NET calories
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